Yes, because the only class [hunter] that only has one possible role should definitely compete and still fall behind a couple of classes that have a secondary choice to tank or heal. /sarcasm
It’s like schools stopped teaching critical thinking skills.
BM should be in a good spot now, there is no more need for nerfs. If anything kill command needs to be buffed up as it only works with bite and claw.
I agree with MM and Survival getting buffed more and I do think at least MM should be doing higher damage if played properly. I’d love more changes for them to make some of the useless runes more viable.
I don’t think MM will be amazing at PvP though, scatter + trapping is not nearly as good now. Warriors will have a much better time sticking to you with Warbringer and rogues get a ranged stun and slow. For MM with Chimera Shot we want to have Serpent Sting up for the extra damage but that breaks scatter and traps. I think MM needs a better way to create distance or get out of melee range next phase otherwise BM will be king for PvP even with these nerfs.
Sadly AS hits like a noodle in SoD as the new runes added so many hard-hitting spells while everyone is much more durable and mobile now.
“Pure DPS classes should do more DPS than hybrids” versus “but then hybrids specced for DPS will never get a raid spot” has been going on since WotLK was retail. And to the best of my knowledge it’s unfortunately one of those unsolvable arguments since both sides have an indisputable point (“why spec DPS on a hybrid if pure DPS are better?” versus “then why roll pure DPS at all?”)
Also, school never taught critical thinking. That’s not its purpose.
Pet management?
I did BFD last night doing 186 dps and my pet/cat was on auto-bite, auto-claw the whole raid… it never died. Managing the pet on his current state was only for the sweat lords.
I’d drop all tamed abilities to something like 1-2 damage for spells and 2-4 damage for physical, once tamed. Then increase the low and high by 1 and 3 (respectively) as the rank increases.
Next, use pet scaling to scale the offense abilities of the pet by the Attack Power of either ranged or melee, which ever is highest on the hunter. To bring the damage back up to reasonable values.
Leave stamina and armor (if it scales; haven’t checked my hunter) scaling alone.
Now if the hunter wants a strong pet, they give up a lot of personal and pet HP. Meanwhile, if they want a tanky pet, they give up a lot of personal and pet damage.
…the issue right now is you can make a beefy pet and still have high damage because pet abilities are based on no pet scaling (pretty sure that came in Wrath). With it in SoD plus the runes…things are a bit crazy.
Warrior and rogue are about as brain dead as it gets the same. At least hunters are paying attention to clipping and positioning. Nerf warriors and rogues next!
“Skill involved” what spec has “skill involved” almost every spec of every class largly has 3 button to push at lvl 25. Also its classic its all easy, classic always has been a simpler game. I suggest you go back to retail where you can show all your wonderful skills.
Sure, there is some skill if you are aiming to be in the top 5%, however the whole point of classic is that it is mostly brain dead easy content that rewards preparation rather than actions per minute.
I’m a 62% blue parser, was going to ask what your secret is since it’s not hard to hit multi shot and arcane shot on CD, but I see you have the Azshari Arbalest. At this point I’d be happy just to see the damn gun drop… sigh.
I believe that MM hunters needs a buff so they don’t need pets . I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about Pets being to overpowered . Players who gets owned by a MM hunter , will be their fault for not knowing how to play their class .
Lone wolf rune isn’t enough to help out MM hunters . They need more damage .
This is wow classic. All classes are roll fingers across keyboard except maybe warlock. Affliction has to manage some things. But… Pets are harder to manage than any other class. BM should be a solid spec with all others. I just think they missed and opportunity to bring in an exotic pet training rune and make bm hunters the premier tank. Then no one would care the dps aspect of it gets nerfed a bit.