Blues News: March 22, 2024

Blues News: March 22, 2024

Stay up to date with World of Warcraft when you join us each week as we round up some of the latest top blue posts and discussions.

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Thanks for pointing this out!


Does this mean we can report all the PS threads in general discussion?


Blizz is the one that labeled it as a WoW game mode. Why wouldn’t we be able to discuss it in the general forums? :man_shrugging:

I know it’s petty, but it is what it is.


I’ll keep whining in Genchat. Thanks tho.


No worries! I’ll just keep muting them all. :grin:


For real…

They really should add a specific section on reporting “Plunderstorm” threads posted in non-Plunderstorm boards to the forums TOS or something

The spam/repetitive threads has really gotten out of hand, they might as well rename this GD board to “Babystorm” haha :laughing:


Can we have some actual in game (in wow) updates and changes to wow?


I still believe blue post are AI written

“Thanks for all of the great feedback in this thread. It helps us navigate how the game is feeling and these posts bolster what we’ve seen in other threads, on social media, etc.”


Idk, I thought so the other day but realized it was more of a me problem than anything else. Is it WoW related? Well, yes, much more than cat girl requests and player housing are.

My own frustration shouldn’t be a reason to start making GD off limits for select WoW-related discussions.

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Please fix missing renown rewards! Fine tuning the game mode and abilities is all well and good but Tons of us aren’t getting the rewards properly. What’s the point of working on this renown for rewards when we don’t even receive them properly???

Edit to add- The apparent fix or edit blizz claims to have made so barrels don’t throw people at the NPC, is VERY FALSE. I can barely use the NPC in the entire 20 seconds we get in the lobby.


To me, it just makes sense when they make a separate forum for all of this feedback and discussion to actually use the separate forum.

I think they need to rename GD into “Retail General Discussion” and try to keep things separated better. But that’s just me.

If they don’t, they don’t. That’s what the mute thread button was invented for.


For the record, I agree with you. But that being said, we can’t pick and choose when to be upset about the Plunderstorm posts being in General.

We point out that Plunderstorm has its own forum board, but at the same time Blozzard themselves keep posting Plunderstorm info into the WoW General board. So which is it? Do we want to keep them separate or not?


I respect that and understand why people feel that way. It’s not something I’m going to argue much about just felt like sharing that I think my reaction was a me problem. Certainly not projecting that onto others that think that way.


This. Get your developers off of plunderstorm and back to working on WoW.

(And, Blizzard, it was YOU who said “This wasn’t just one team at Blizzard that worked on this. It was a tremendous amount of effort between all of us here.” Knock it off and get them back to working on WoW.)


Basically. People are gonna do what people wanna do. I have options and so do they. Life ain’t worth getting worked up over it. lol


Why you so red!?

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It’s weird because people keep saying that but on my screen my clown mog replaced the red elf weeks ago. My wife also sees my mog when she browses the forums.

Others don’t seem to. :man_shrugging:

Now…when I look at the forums on mobile however, I’m red again.

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Clown mog is showing for me on mobile.

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Well there goes that theory I guess.