Blues News: March 22, 2024

Don’t attack me like that, bruh.

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I’m on mobile and your red :joy:

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Next time I’ll send an in-game whisper so it’s not a public call out like that, alright?

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Thank you. Also your profile is hidden but your pic is definitely a clown. Could be the IOS for the phones on mobile.

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No one listens.

Why would they? They basically get paid not to. They have meetings that don’t involve players for a game that we play and then kick bucket down to developers. The community is largely not as listened to as we’d like and it won’t be. They wouldn’t have jobs if the community was what told them what to do. Despite that being how it should work since we consume their products.


I’d like it if they got back to working on WoW instead of the Great Value Fortnite no one asked for.

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Thanks, I hate it.

This is the worst thing Blizz has ever made, and that includes the lying failure that was Overcrotch 2.

Which they stole our money for and never made the PvE part, while lying for a whole year it was coming, when it was already cancelled and they knew.

Typical scum from the breastmilk thief company.

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I have been getting a whooping 60-100 per run if i get killed before the quest for a measely 250 is done then Im stuck watching other people play for 20 minutes very rewarding…no thanks.

I guess we are suppose to put 100+ hours in on this…give me a break. Honestly this just have been something fun to do for hour or so each do with easier to get renown…grinding unfun things suck…I wanted the rewards but yeah i still actually am playing wow and no i cant get the xmog and mounts thanks for nothing blizzard.

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They listened to the pvpers and made kills give more plunder awesome sauce for them.

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Great, now can they do something for… everyone else?

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I’d just take not being put in trade services every time I logged in back.

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No not those people, forum people they won’t post their Plunderstorm threads where it goes.

The renown is still way too slow for a limited time event. Some of us have lives. Other games we play as well as wow. 40 tiers is pretty crazy.

Why was it not just 10-15 tiers and each tier has a bunch of items? That would make it more about having fun than grinding for days.

Both people in my guild and others I’ve talked to agree the grind is not very friendly. It pushes away a lot of people that might of actually given the mode a chance even though they do not like pvp.

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Oceanic servers? You have the infrastructure but dont use it … Unplayable on 200 ping

Because then they wouldn’t be able to artificially inflate the engagement metrics for this absurd not project.

They place rewards that they know people are going to begrudgingly grind out, and then it’s going to look like it’s way more popular than it really is. :man_shrugging:

well you see the plunderstorm board exists largely to funnel most of the posts about plunderstorm into a hole nobody looks in

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