Blue eyes on blood elves, adieu WoW

LOOL I missed that

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That’s why we have Blood Elves, you’re welcome! :hugs:


Dude, when they gave Rexxar the Kul Tiran model, I was so stoked. I thought maybe, just maybe, we would at least get half ogres.



Hey, good luck. All of those things would enrich WoW.

Ok. A game we pay for isn’t life.

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I had hoped when they updated Ogre models years ago that we would get them. Now it’s if it happens, that’s great, but otherwise not gonna hope for it.

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Yes, but it teaches an important lesson about life. You aren’t gonna be catered to even if you spend money. Because they’d have to cater to each and every person’s different opinions. In this case, you pay for server access. So if the game offends you so much right now that you want to refund absolutely ever year you’ve played it, it’s best to move on.


I’m not asking Blizzard to cater to me. Blizzard should cater to its own lore instead of ignoring it to continually give the Horde setting elements that are part of the Alliance brand.


Look, look into my (soon™ to be) blue eyes and tell me you’re really going to quit WoW over eye color.


someone phone the circus, one of their sideshows has escaped. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are absolutely. You are threatening to take your toys and go home because of a customization. They are doing what they want with their game. It just doesn’t go along with what you want.


Blood elves get blue eyes? You mean the most beautiful race in WoW gets even more options to be beautiful? Nice.

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Warcraft belongs no more to the current dev team than it does to anybody whose played for years. When the faceless company that holds the IP hires Metzen again then maybe we can talk about accepting retcons and the destruction of WoW’s established lore.

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No it belongs to Blizzard, and they’ll do what they want with it. The best you can do is leave feedback and hope they change things. But it mostly doesn’t happen. So if what’s left is not what you want, then the only thing you have in control of is if you play the game.

Metzen was also one closed off to the idea of High Elves of the Alliance. So I would not hope for that, lol.

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Blizzard is an “it,” not a “they.” The company has no opinion on anything but profits and its development team has blatantly ignored High Elf profits to the point of negligence.

Another lie from the Horde shills.


Well they must disagree with you on what’s profitable.

Lol, whatever you want to believe. I’m not against Helves on the Alliance at all. I always thought they’d be a neutral race. I just don’t feel like you’ll get any fulfillment out of any of this tantrum. Because it already has not panned out.


Apparently the thread creator is going to be 404d too.

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Getting my money back has already felt better than anything related to WoW possibly could right now barring the appointment of a new game director. We’ll see about chargebacks on the other account; all of these blue eyes might end up being Void Elf customizations.

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…and they’re the ones in a position to know.


They could end up being for Void elves later. They just don’t plan them for Shadowlands. But they didn’t say never for allied races.

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