h ttps://shadowlands.wowhead.com/news=311958.2/new-blood-elf-character-customization-options-in-shadowlands
The blue colorations may be for NPCs only.
If you look closely there are heterochromtic options for green and golden eyes but not for blue.
The amount of eye color options is very large, more than double of what we’ve seen from other races; but if you remove the blue ones it’s almost on par with other races.
But hey, that’s just a theory!
*gets choked to death
The forums are going to be so much fun for a while 
I agree this seems like a
“Dont jump to conclusions, datamining is wrong a lot”
This is where the fun begins. - Anakin Skywalker
Nah. Its a lot easier for GD to jump to a conclusion and throw temper tantrums like spoiled children.
I personally believe those are DK eyes since theres no heterochromic option like you said.
It’s funny watching a whole bunch of people fighting over (imo) one of the ugliest races in wow. Like their animations are trash. Except maybe some of the female belf animations. I wish they would just give the alliance blood elves and give a blue eyed version so I can curb stomp them like Arthas did to high elves. That would be amazing!
Elves as a whole are are over rated.
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Blizz disclosure the info because they want to know what people think about it.
Whether it’s real or not whether they are going to change it or not idk
but surely by now they would know how people feel about customization things.
Mission accomplished
I agree, imagine being an elf without glowing hair. 
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A tear runs slowly down my cheek 
EDIT: this would have been a whole lot funn- … more poignant if I’d remembered to switch to one of my belfs