Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

It’s a font of arcane and holy energy, both emit a Light glow, not an arcane glow, because:

Pure arcane appears white and/or violet. However, when used to bend other types of magic, it takes on the characteristics and appearance of those magics.

PS: ALL Blood Elves and High Elves except Void Elves draw on the holy energies of the Sunwell regardless of whether they’re mages or not. Even Blood Elf warlocks.


next xpac we will get this when thralls horde seperates from sylvana’s horde and become a neutral faction then the people from the alliance can get their high elfs they want to play while still keeping the blood elfs are a part of the horde faction.

It says right there, pure arcane energy. If you’re not drawing holy energy out… Guess what the energy is?

[citation needed]

We will still complain if all we get is neutral Blood Elves instead of our High Elves. I know it’s hard to believe, but it really isn’t about the appearance.

yes it is and you know it. you want the pretty blonde haired blue eyed elfs to sit in goldshire with its obvious friend

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It’s the exact same line of reasoning. The logic is faulty, just because two things weren’t added at the same time doesn’t inherently mean the other will never be added.

Blizzard adds two recolours of the same item in one patch, that item WILL NEVER get another recolour?

That’s not how it works. Pure arcane means only arcane. The Sunwell is a mix of arcane and Light - it is no longer a fount of pure arcane. Here’s your citation:

While its waters, holy to the high elves were originally pure arcane, it has since been restored as a fount of both arcane and Light energy.

If the Sunwell was originally pure arcane, it means it is no longer a fount of pure arcane, ie, the energies of the Sunwell is a fused mix of Light and Arcane. This isn’t like water and oil - they’re mixed. More citation to back this up:

This restored the Sunwell using the energies of M’uru, the Sunwell’s new energies being derived from both the arcane and from M’uru’s powers of the Light.

The energies of the Sunwell derive from Arcane and Light - they are not Arcane and Light per se. The energies of the Sunwell are the unique product of mixing Arcane with Light.

Are you serious? This is a widely known fact:

Whether or not they are spellcasters, all high elves suffer acute pangs of withdrawal in the absence of the Sunwell’s energies. […] Without the Sunwell, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction

Why else do you think you can create Blood Elf mages, warriors, rogues and warlocks with golden eyes? It’s something generalized among the population, it’s not something exclusive to Light wielders. Even the normal people of the street have golden eyes canonically.


I’m ok with High Elves turning into Void Elves.

Yeah mate, for reals this post is like 90% headcanon. We haven’t gotten near the amount of clarification you seem to have derived from blood elves getting yellow eyes.

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I literally quoted you the official current lore. If you can’t back your arguments, you either say “I was wrong, you were right” or don’t say anything at all.


you could say the same about threads begging for a playable horde race to become neutral and accessible to the alliance. stop asking for it, its never GOING to happen

as blue eyed bloood elves exist, i see no reason to deny more customization to blood elves


Okay then, but I’m not going to keep doing this for much longer.

Both as in both holy and arcane energy resides within it.

Mages don’t use both, mages use arcane.

Much like how my fridge contains both vegetables and delicious ham sandwiches. I love ham sandwiches, so that’s why my vegetable crisper is filled with black husks of former produce.

Aaaaaaand it doesn’t say anything about holy, it only mentions drawing from the Sunwell. You’ve conflated one issue with another because it helps your argument even though that’s not what it says. Ie, headcanon.

I don’t know, it literally hasn’t been touched on. Why can I play as a Blackrock holy priest? There might be lore supporting it, but it’s just as likely it’s just a gameplay thing.

How fast this turned into a high elf thread. What a shame. Bring on the blue eyes for blood elves!


their logic is contradictory. anything physically happening to blood elves is also happening to the few high elves still alive, as they are both one people connected to the sunwell. the few high elves left cannot physically go in another direction it is impossible. all elves should have golden eyes with his logic :joy::joy:


It’s totally possible.

Ion himself specifically mentions the “Fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf” aesthetic as a Blood Elf theme. The fact that he even specifically mentions blue eyes is more than enough evidence that they do deserve it.

As to the whole “Holy overrides Arcane” nonsense there’s absolutely nothing to suggest that because it’s a “prime” element that it override other elements. Even in the intro for making a Blood Elf the narrator says that many Blood Elves still cling to “arcane” magic over holy, which could very well lead to the insurgence of blue eyed blood elves.

Also in the visual handguide it says that Blood knights can actively choose to draw “Light” (Not arcane) from the Sunwell, suggesting the liklihood that Elves can draw specific elements from the Well to suit their needs. Mages for instance would likely draw heavier onto the Arcane side of the well to use their magic, as the Light wielders tend to draw more on the light. It’s perfectly reasonable that after extended periods of time around arcane magic that their blue eyes would return.

The fact that green eyed blood elves can still continue to exist merely due to the use of Fel sort of proves the whole “Light overrides other elements” argument useless, as Fel is not a prime element and still remains present in the eyes of those elves that still wield it. If the light overrode all other types of magic we should see all the High elves eyes begin to turn gold as well, as every Thalassian Elf is innately connected to the Sunwell.

Any argument against Blue eyes is more so a “Justification” for why they have gold eyes, and not an argument on why they can’t have blue eyes. Typically most nay sayers argument boil down to “Well they didn’t give it to them yet!” which isn’t really an argument as to why it can’t be added.

In the end, it’s headcanon as there’s no solid proof on either side what is possible, but the fact that they deliberately said that the Sunwell is both “Light AND Arcane” when they could have merely said it was a fount of pure light (considering it was a Naaru spark that re-ignited the well.) leaves it open as a possibility.

This is a disingenuous, and pretty lazy response. How weird that people would want to pursue a aesthetic fantasy that the Blood Elves were ADDED for. You can’t keep Thalassian heritage away from Blood Elves simply because you didn’t get them.


But keeping away an Alliance group that was with the Alliance throughout Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, MoP and Legion is apparently acceptable? Its no longer Thalassian heritage, its High Elf heritage, and to pretend otherwise is being deliberately obtuse.

That’s the thing. There is an entirely separate group of elves who apparently count as only having blue eyes, what with my attempts to say “Hey, why don’t we use the model Nozdormu uses instead?” being shot down so many times

Well, if that’s the case, then no, you can’t have blue eyes as that’s another group’s callsign who were relevant as short ago as Legion, and who still have a presence in Stormwind to the point they specifically kept the HElf mage trainer in the update of the Stormwind mage tower

If these rumours about the faction divide going away are true? Then I’ll support blue eyes being there. But as long as there is a divide, I’m against it. It’d be like adding an undead human skin to humans so you can look like Nathanos all you want on the Alliance side and not, y’know, the side he’s actually on


Were it not for the laws of this land I would have slaughtered you.



vanilla and tbc - to claim them as a part of the alliance in any significant way is laughable

Wrath - a small group of neutral high elves in dalaran upset by the new found relationship between the sunreavers and the horde form a militia within the kirin tor to keep the horde in check in dalaran. they also help tirion host a tournament to find the strongest heroes from both factions

cata - they help the horde defend quel’thalas from the amani

mop - arguably the only time you can make a case they are a part of the alliance and openly fight the horde under jainas orders

wod - zero alliance presence

legion - completely neutral after jaina is kicked out, they pledge themselves to horde/alliance hunter order. fight beside the horde and alliance to free suramar in the context of dalaran and the kirin tor

bfa - zero presence again, SC neutral in dalaran. a few elves(literally) put on 7th legion uniforms and report for duty to help the alliance

wow not really a part of the alliance at all are they. the vast majority of time the SC appears its in a neutral capacity


Except, y’know, for those quests where they’re part of the Alliance. And how they’re around in Stormwind. And how Nathanos sends you after the ones in the Plaguelands because they’re against the Horde and he needs some stuff from them

And they’re also the group who said “The Kirin Tor should stay with the Alliance and not go neutral”. So, given that’s their bias, I’d say “Most certainly Alliance” despite everyone trying to pretend they’re purely neutral

I mean, they moreso work on trying to invade Zul’Aman to get back at the Zandalari-empowered Amani following all the stuff that goes down in Stranglethorn

Except for all of the other times.

Just like half the Alliance races. Lemme know how much dwarf presence there was during WoD

Everyone was neutral during Legion. To call out one specific group is just going to end up with me listing practically everyone who showed up in that expansion. Like how your Horde paladin helps make NElf paladins a thing

Still as much showing as the Hozen got on Hordeside and more than ogres have

They specifically show up in that expansion saying the Kirin Tor shouldn’t be neutral and should have gone with the Alliance. The only reason they’re begrudgingly neutral is because the Sunreavers argued their case well. That doesn’t sound “Neutral” to me. That sounds more like “They’d flip back to the Alliance the moment the Sunrevears were out of the picture”. Which, surprise surprise, was exactly what happened


And worse, re-posting them.