Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

thats pretty nice. have you seen the one where they almost look like lightforged? thats really cool looking, though normally i dont like pure white skin. but velfs look great with it. white hair, white skin, then eyes of whatever color, other than white.


Incorrect, the Highborn very much are still Night Elves. They just like the Blood Elves and High Elves are very much the same thing. It is even mentioned by Magni.

this would look cool


Really? The chronicle states otherwise. I’ll take that over your word with no source. And if you do give a source, it’s going to take a good one to overrule the chronicle.

What is? And where?

Sorry but that’s not a high elf. High elves are not corrupted by the void. Give us actual high elves blizzard or drown in the tears of alliance disappointment

Give me a bit, I will look for it but I am driving now.

(Commentary): Took me a while to find it, but these were made back when Void Elves were first announced way back before BFA even launched, as suggestions for skin tones that were still void tinged, but fleshier.

(Commentary): The three in the middle heading towards the right are certainly a fleshier skin tone, but still have that purple/blue hue that suggests a degree of corruption to it.

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Okay the source is from ‘World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I’ and its from Brann, not Magni I got that mixed up. In a passage from his anthropology notes, he says “There is little physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei (save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier), but they consider themselves different enough.” and from what I remember, pretty much goes onto saying they are the same thing.

In short, Elves have a tendency to segregate themselves A LOT but are really the same thing with the exception of Blood Elves and Night Elves. Nightborn, highborn and Night Elves are the same same thing.

In conclusion, Nightborn are just a tweaked Night Elf that was given to the Horde and would be acceptable going by Blizzards on lore to allow Alliance a High Elf looking model…which literally would just be a Void Elf with a normal skin tone…like there leader…Alleria…

The nightborne are highborn that were changed into a new race by the Nightwell.

This is true though, it was an excuse to give the Horde a night elf race.

They changed her model too. She shouldn’t have blue eyes, she should have green eyes from the constant years of exposure to fel magic. I’m not sure exactly why the changed it but it’s reasonable to assume it’s to not confuse players who don’t know how blood elves got green eyes.

I’m pro high elf, I have enough Alliance characters and Alliance getting them doesn’t affect me. I’d like forest trolls as a race though, or ogres. Pref the trolls though, we’ve had some since classic. Though we have had ogres as well. It’s just my personal preference.

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Purple eyes, cool man :grinning:

That’s my biggest issue with VE customization, the lack of contrast between the options, with most the skin tones around the same hue. KInda the same issue with LFD, but since draenei are right there doesn’t feel like an issue. Makes very noticeable how limited AR are in terms of customization when they don’t have their parent race in the same faction.


Agreed. It also doesn’t help that such a limited palette also gets your character “swallowed” up in most transmogs due to a lack of contrast. You can hardly tell when the armor ends and your skin begins in many cases which hurts the aesthetics and limits what you can actually mog into and still look aesthetically pleasing (though that’s entirely subjective of course).

Other races suffer from this as well, such as the Draenei, though they do have a few skin tone options that offer decent enough contrast. Sadly the lightforged do not have those options and I think only one skin tone of the three they have offers any sort of worthwhile contrast. And even that’s limited. The Nightborne are in even worse shape with only one skin tone being really useable at all as far as I’m concerned, and the other two being over-saturated clown makeup.