And our president downplayed it from the start and never stopped. You seriously can’t be this delusional.
No China did sorry. and The head of World Organization.
Okay, maybe you can be this delusional.
Trump got the roni lmao
and so did Prince Charles and his son the future king
It’s not being delusional. It’s honestly just so much information that it’s difficult to tell what’s true and what’s false. The news outlets have done a poor job of giving facts. They give sensationalism to get viewers.
Not as funny and Boris and Trump getting it after ignoring every single experts advice lmao
You’re not wrong. But a certain someone didn’t help matters and instead muddied the waters further.
Our Glorious Leader literally admitted to downplaying it.
Its not even up for debate.
He literally stated he intentionally downplayed it.
Really I can’t wait till all the bleeding hearts start crying when Biden is President you watch him get kicked out within a year.
I feel that. I’ve been pretty unmotivated myself lately.
Just have to take it off easy for a bit. It’ll come back.
True, but social media doesn’t help anything either. And when news agencies have to do fact checks for each other… you know things have completely broken down.
Also: I should probably find the censored version of that video. >.>
Trump has proven you can do whatever you want as President and not get removed from office. So why should I worry about Biden lmao
Yeah, we’re a mess. That’s not even an opinion. It’s a fact.
What part don’t you get? he is OBAMA’S PUPPET.
Artists talk about the ‘muse’ for a reason. Sometimes you get worn down and lose the passion. It will come back!!!
Maybe take a break from creative endeavors? Go hiking, ride horses, volunteer at an animal shelter…walk in the woods??
To stay on topic. I know what you mean.
I’ve been taking sleeping pills to sleep lately. Sometimes. I just take a little more than needed. To sleep even longer.
Even then I wake up tired. This world is exhausting.
I have to hope things will get better one day. That hope is currently locked in a box in the back of my mind. Under heavy guard. I don’t know what I would do if its lost.
I want to give encouragement. I want to say that the world will be a better place one day. I want to say we can be proud of our country again one day.
But I can’t.
It might happen. I just don’t have the strength left to hope for much more than just getting through this week.
I just want to rest.
Yeah, this got off topic really fast, but tensions are high. Let’s get back to attempting to share some positivity or offering sympathies.
Yes everyone’s sleep patterns are ruined atm… I sometimes can’t sleep for 48 hours and it’s sending my stupid…