Bloody tired

Hey now… I may live in farmland, but I grew up in a suburb of Pittsburgh! I’m both country and Suburb Chick! :grin:


Without my friend Christ, there is no hope at all? He’s going to be disappointed that his job at the doughnut shop just got super cereal.


You won’t be joking when you bow before him and you will bow to me as well. Time’s short and God sent this plague for a reason. It won’t be going away any time soon either. It was written of thousands of years ago and it’s happening as we speak.

I’m not joking.

I have a friend named Christ who works at a doughnut shop. The name ‘Christ’ isn’t an exclusive name. You know that right?


Youre a terrible troll…

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Christ is a title, it means Anointed. Judging by your name I know you haven’t a clue.

This thread was going so well earlier… :frowning:



My grandparents were Conservative Christians, my parents are/were Liberal Christians. I could likely recite more quotes from the Bible in the amount of time it takes you to yawn.

Still, I was always taught that a true Believer has no need to smear or judge others. Only false believers use the Words of God as a tool of manipulation and fear.

Goddess watch over and protect you, my friend.



Honestly, most Christians haven’t a clue either and it’s no surprise we have so many atheists. I find it easier to talk with atheists than most Christians. I prefer to call the pew potatoes, “Churchians” instead.

I haven’t judged anyone but a leopard can’t change their spots. It’s crystal clear that the further we distance ourselves from God, the worse things get.

I don’t anticipate that happening in 2020, if ever again. My local theater saw me show up 6-16 times a month (chain has an Unlimited pass for only $18 a month!) and it’s rumored that like AMC, they may be filing bankruptcy before the year is out.

The theater was one of the only things I enjoy doing that’s affordable on my fixed income. Unfortunately, that’s likely gone, now.

What’s worse is that there’s a bunch of pundits crowing about how it’s good that theaters are dying. “dA pEoPlE wAnT tO sTrEaM aT hOmE!” :rage:

I still have $100 on a Cinemark gift card that we can’t use. I miss movies. So much has changed…

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Yeah, this entire mess may have very well killed off cinema for the foreseeable future. Streaming services have shown that they are resilient and thrive in harsh conditions, so I fully expect film makers and big name actors to follow the money.

Hey, that’s exactly how I have been feeling for the last 6 years!

It’s called Depression.


I am no psychologist, or have any formal knowledge in the area, but I believe the burden of globalized and contemporary society is that the acts of individuals that are not celebrities (politicians, artists, etc) feel lesser the “bigger” the world gets and the quicker the flow of information passes. It is further accentuated by the quarantine keeping people away from interacting with each other.

Don’t know if you are looking for advice from someone that went through a similar experience, but here goes my two cents: You made yourself a scarf, you now speak Spanish… When you move, you get results. The problem I had was setting my expectations too high. Cherishing those close to you also help a lot; many ruminative evenings of mine turned into a cheerful laughterfest once a friend asked to play a game or go out. I used to relent doing both because I always thought “why bother?”, but that is a side effect of the inertia.

And finally, as the good dwarf up there suggested: make art. Write, or paint, but don’t overthink about it. It occupies the mind, it exercises creativity, but if it becomes a source of pain and obsession, you will just switch from one downwards spiraling rumination to another.

i actually find this quite interesting from a psychological point of view…

i’ve been living the “covid lifestyle” for 10+ years now.

…meanwhile, people who have been experiencing a disruption to their life patterns for less than 12 months, are losing their minds.



My advice OP, learn new skills. Currently I joined the beyond Skyrim classes to learn about game development which I am really enjoying (Hoping to join their team if I pass as creative writer for quests). Learning new things made me feel better.

Avoid social media.

Take care :slight_smile:

Nobully, you chose that lifestyle. The rest of us did not.

I’ve been wrestling with some of the same feelings, so I know that it sucks!

That said, I’m not a mental health expert, nor do I know you super well, so I’m not gonna try to suggest a bunch of stuff. But I’ll at least say that I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling down right now, and that I’m glad that you’re sharing about it instead of bottling it up.

I’ve enjoyed most of the topics that I’ve seen you post recently, and it seems like people have fun with them. So you at least have some friendly faces here; don’t hesitate to share more with us, even if it’s just to vent! :smiley:

yes… i absolutely chose for surgeons to give me a chronic bacterial infection which has trashed my immune system and can’t be fixed. :roll_eyes:

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pretty much same, voluntarily. i’ve been mostly a hermit by choice. and it was interesting to see the extroverted people around me lose their minds, they just had no idea of how to entertain themselves while at home.

i guess this is how us introverted types look to them when we can’t be entertained for long at social gatherings.