Bloody Dancing Steel Illusion

Bump, bump, bumpity, bump :slight_smile:
(also – there were recently related threats on the Arena forums! keep it up)


We shall never give up! Keep bumping!


Bumping this. I still have the enchant on a weapon that I earned in MoP but the illusion is not available and putting in a ticket results in it was only for people that earned it, which I did and have proof of.


Bumping for my enchant plz ty


Bumping for my enchant please and thank you blizzard. Crazy!

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I didn’t earn any of those but I think it is really weird those aren’t account wide yet everything from WoD+ is? I’d love to hear a reason for that, just seems silly. If these people earned the enchant, they should be able to use it on any character they want but regardless it doesn’t make sense that WoD+ is account wide and MoP is not for elite enchants.


Why cant we get this fixed. I have the enchant on multiple weapons in the game, but cant get the illusion? I earned the enchant, why is that not good enough to allow me to use the illusion.

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Was looking to come back to the game and try the new expansion, but this issue in itself is reason enough that I wont buy new expansion.


physically having the enchant as proof of earning it but not being able to transmog it is crazy!

I like to take my weapon out sometimes to look at it. According to game support I didn’t earn it though, so it always goes back in my bank to waste inventory space.