Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

Hey man! Yeah I remember you, Busch League and Emeril. Good times!

@Bussom and anyone else: There are some other scalpers rolling on Stalagg if anyone wants to join up. Hit me up on my btag wonderchickn#1625.

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Looking for members of Kennith’s Steamin Sausage and our WSG premade.


Hey Lakme, Sharkdash here. Long time no see :slight_smile:


Used to pvp and raid w/ them a lot, sharkdash here :slight_smile:

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lot of us rolling horde/Stalagg

skullo quit playing a few months ago, he was in the guild I’m in now.

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Skeetar/Reported here. I like video games.


Dezzy - Troll Shaman of a thousand windurries.

Proud slayer of NoMAAM and Heavy Hitters alike. Most spits on Lev and Py. Spent most of my time first with Sadistic Intent, and then The Macabre.

The architect of some of the craziest world pvp battles and instigator of countless others.

You know me even if you don’t know it was me.


Hi Sharkdash! Yeah, over a decade. Crazy to be back at it again!

Hey cutie.

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SNEAKYTIM the orc warrior hihello.

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Sup big PP. Are any of the old HH guys getting back together for Classic?

Hey old friend. I was never able to replace you. Come home.

Fhatjawn said in the alliance thread they’re still on retail with no plans for an official Heavy Hitters on classic, but a bunch of people are coming back to do their own thing it seems. Thought I would drop in the Horde thread and say hey to all the horde in general.

I remember a bunch of you would come in the HH vent sometimes back in the day, it was like a main liaison between Horde and Alliance or something. Remember a lot of people dropping in with messages from the other side (or passing them to people they knew were there)

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Hey do any Horde people remember when Bobri/Silentslayer got < Yakuza >'s name banned by claiming the real Yakuza killed his family? That had to be a very early example of report trolling! If i remember the GMs gave them like 10 seconds to take pictures of the guild list before disbanding them didn’t they?? (Was no name change function back then!!) Man I recall thinking that was way too harsh given the circumstances.

Lol Yakuza. Forgot about that guild.

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Ohhhh is this angry kiwi Mozik?

Anyone from Holy Roman Empire lurking?

I see a few familiar faces like grisslez and her husband, Mozik and even Stiletto from End Effect.

Where’s xiaoxiao?

Hey Everyone! I don’t expect anyone to really remember me, but I played a Resto Shaman back in the day called Loocipher. I ran with Real Men of Genius, SMD and a couple of other guilds I don’t recall at the moment.

Great to see a ton of old names on here!

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Long time no see man.