Badmagic here.
DUENNA! Badmagic here the UD warlock , we were ECS together.
<-- Right here
Badmagic UD warlock , was in ECS and DPS , Btag Badluck#11666
Badmagic! you rollin lock again?
lock for life!
Maximuson: Tauren warrior.
looking for decrepid and valovas!!
Looks like some of us are definitely here. More than I expected. I’m probably rolling on Faerlina with the streamers. I also might just keep playing my Mage on Tichondrius. Either way add me. cody#13652
Velushar/Mangh (resto druid, rogue) from CB/RT and others, looking forward to playing classic with y’all
I played… Devilsangel, Thyra, Tsubaki, and Rikku… Horde still… moved onto Galakrond years ago after 6-8hr que timers XD; won’t be rejoining classic… but add me Azuredreams#1104
omg Vashii.
Mozik - Priest in Crimson Blood. You, me, Elise and Uzumati used to be the healing team in TBC. Remember SSC?? lol
I’m open to any server really. I’m kinda worried about ping and server times since its on the west coast.
Were you rolling horde?
Yeah were horde. ping times aren’t a problem anymore unless your connecting overseas, maybe back in 2004 it would be garbage, but not 2019 lol.
yes! how are you! how could I forget =) <3
@jaunia I’m thinkin Grobb for horde and Whitemane for alliance. Prolly gonna mainly go ally since it seems like they are the underdogs now for server pops. Grobb should be equal: I played on Emerald Dream a bit when the world PVP was better in the game and they made a pretty nice effort to keep the factions evenly matched.
Do you remember if the Shaman was Metin?
Strikn : UD Shadow Priest
I basically only pvp’d, got to rank 11 or 12. I remember THG (frostwolf refugees), Evil Clownz Sect, Epidemic, Symphony of Light. and for sure the ally guilds of HH, Draconic Savant, and IFNT.
looking for, still:
Skullo, orc hunter (ECS)
Lycanthroat, ud rogue (ECS)
we got the main gang
That was me. I asked him if he freestyled. He asked if that meant surfing. I had to clarify that it was a rap term.