I thought the only r14 shaman was tamerlane? I can’t recall any others but then again I’m old
I’m planning on rolling on Fairbanks if any of you old WoD clowns want to play. Apparently my id is Kelshaw#1225.
I love seeing all the names of people popping up from the past I’m still hoping to see a special rogue/lock Aerimn/Aeri around
I forgot to add my Battletag/Discord Id in case anyone wants to chat
Battletag: vashii#1808
Discord ID: jinxing#6149
I promise I wont bug you lol
Rolling Atiesh Horde and Myzreal Alliance with some friends in classic. Currently playing Lightnings Blade and associated realms retail.
BT: Aizkora#1683
DC: Aizkora#7241
Yo! I think we’ll have myself and 3 others coming to Stalagg now too! I’ll def hit ya up on release.
We moved. Yall best come to Stalagg now
We’re going to Grobb to murder RPers. You know you want to.
Skeetar#1380 get at me
alrighty, whats andrew’s and luke’s ID? Havnt talked to them in a minute
Hoping to find some familiar names!
I played:
Bashun - Resto Druid
Violentfem - Prot Undead Warrior
Macabrefemm - Troll Rogue
My husband Wolfsorra - Orc Warrior
I was in Empyreus, Envy, and Nephilim
Ticpolonga - Orc Warrior, Ticpo - Undead Mage (didn’t play mage much till TBC)
Lots of Warriors of Death people in this thread! I was in WoD up until Griphus went awol, then joined Sadistic Intent. I remember our first Nefarian kill Ashkandi dropped, and I beat Futeki on the roll for it. Even though I had no idea what I was doing back then, it was an absolute blast…so many memories!
I’ll be around on Classic…server undecided so far.
Btag: Ticpo#1907
yea we’re Stalagg horde too
I remember Silentslayer being very happy about that.
hahaha Vashii I of course remember you. Those were good times and I hope more people find this post and come back.
I am still appalled by my horrific noobishness at that time lol.
It’s good to see so many peoples names I recognise.
I can’t remember a lot of what happened back then, but I do have some memories which have stuck with me:
- Skullo getting 1m honor on his last week before r14.
- Lakme missing out on r14 by a tiny margin and having to grind another week.
- Killing ragnaros while at a Lan party.
- Farming for days to make money to afford respecs so I could pvp and pve on a warrior.
- The reason I quit. I look back at it and think it was pretty toxic. I played a fury warrior which wasn’t widely accepted and the guild would often force me to take tanking pieces and not give me dps items. When we downed Nefarian and Crul’shorukh, Edge of Chaos dropped I was the only fury warrior in the guild and they gave it to an offtank which low attendance. This was the reason I didn’t play WoW again until WotlK.
Good lord. I don’t even remember missing HWL by a sliver and having to go another week. Granted I was running on 2-4 hours of sleep a day at that point.
Indeed he was, I remember the day he came in vent screaming and laughing “You guys are never gonna believe what I just did!” The rest of us told him it was bad but he never cared lol
Oh man I feel you so much on both of these. I remember getting in trouble with Jakari (HH guild bank holder) for asking him for gold to repair during Naxx. In retrospect it’s so brutal that warriors paid the most but had the worst farming.
And isn’t it funny watching all these theorycrafters talk about bringing “8 fury warriors” to raids! When I rerolled to my fury warrior, they made me PROMISE that if they needed my paladin back I would jump back, never did. And I remember the rogues being in such open revolt to have another DW fury competition for loot I always had to work it out with them. It tickles me seeing people talk about fury warriors like a standard because anyone who actually played vanilla knows they were an INTENSELY debated class at the time.
Hey guys! Did you decide on a server yet? I’m planning to play on Stalagg horde
My wife spells my name wrong…nj