Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

Chiropractor from WoD here. I recognize some of the names here so far like Bandols and Vashii. I still talk often with Elise’s son, for the life of me I can’t remember his character name though. Elise and her family lived in the same town I did. I still have Griphus friended on Steam and a few other places.

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Tehloller from Sadistic Intent here :wave:


Hey! Yes I do remember you! I’ll keep that in mind when classic launches, definitely need to come say hi.

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Hey Bussom! I might not be a shaman anymore, but I’ll still be a Tauren! While SMD will not be making a comeback (none of the other USAFA guys still play), I’ll be running around on Classic! wonderchickn#1625

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Tornadofang, my man! Shaman buddy for life!

And now for the serious question: Where are all the old Bloodscalpers going? I’ve seen so many server names thrown out there, but don’t know where most of the crew is going to land.

@Orbitar - That video of Nephisto yelling to heal you is still floating around Youtube. LOL

Hey man! Long time no talk. I believe Andrew, Luke, myself, and possibly 2 more will be rolling Horde on Herod.

Not sure about the high population on there, but also wanted to stay away from the streamers and fanboys.

Think I’m going warrior and Andrew will be druid for heals.

Where are you Beergoggles?!

Why hello old friends…

Cause I know many came after me. Co-founder of WoD with Griphus.

Prot Warrior MT


Id recommend grobbulus. Also, WPVP is typically much more organized on a larger scale on rppvp. plus layering shouldn’t be a problem on a lower pop server. since herod is ALREADY full after 2 days of creation, initial queue times and tourism from lookie-loos will likely be a pain for awhile. If you want something akin to what bloodscalp population was during classic…grobbulus is the choice. we got about a dozen people from old CB/RT going as well.

ayy chickn its ziggles, i think we were in Busch league for awhile? emeril’s guild during wrath?

Need more heals man. I still remember when someone asked him does he like surfing and he flipped out lmao.

Shidoshee Orc Warlock
-Evil Clownz Sect-

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oh shizzz…Shidoshee here Orc Lock in vanilla, is the band getting back together?


oh hi there qt pie


Hey, what server are you going to roll on?

Oh, hey! Whats up! Its Cordorine (UD Warlock) You planning on playing some Classic, I’m assuming?

Hey! Cord and I were just talking about you at Gencon!

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Used to be a troll prot warrior named Sheislegend

Hoping to find some friends from NBJ (Natural Born Jokers), Rebewt, and Contaminated!

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Cordorine - UD Warlock

I doubt I’ll find a lot of people who’d remember me since I’m looking through this post and only recognize a couple people.