Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

Hey Kelshaw, this is Brangus from TBS (The Brain Spawn). Not sure what those Frenchies are up to now but a few of us will be playing on Whitemane.

it’ll be fun to play w/ you all again

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yea we got the same reply from tamer :joy:

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This thread is a blast from the past. A bunch of familiar names.

tell tamer i said hello, while popping my collar. also nerjinzul said he’s not planning on playing again. where do people plan on rolling. it looks like herod is going to be overly crowded as it is.

oh this is Shunye by the way.

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cool man ill see you there !!

Sup G, it’s joeys here add me, ill be playing WOW classic.


Hey there Teac. Its Joeys mum & dad, Darkmalice & Sheilami. We’ve often thought about you & wondered how you & your sister are going. Sheilami is wondering if your sister can still remember how to swear what Shelami taught her? LOL. Really hope to hear from you.

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I had Kfcman on this server…if there’s any chance the guy that got me into to this game is still out there I would love to talk to him! We met on Xfire and you ran my warrior through deadmines on your Dwarf Paladin. You had a bunch of tier 1 and you basically introduced me and gave me a crash course of the game

Wow sooo many familiar names.

Grisslez and Feralus will be back playing classic.

Former members of:
Victorious Secret
Pie Beasts of Ninja Doom

Looking forward to catching up with familiar faces.


Who is this lol?

Adding my Battlenet ID for any old ECS that want to say hi: LakmeECS#1384

Not sure what server I’ll be on. Hoping they’ll add a couple more. The 10K+ queues for an hour straight were disconcerting.

Yeah i would advise against herod, also it appears most major streamers will be on the same server so it’s easy to avoid them

Anyone from guild Sadistic Intent besides Alerzhul? He is the only one I have ran into lately.

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Bandols seems awfully damn familiar to me too lol. I remember playing with alot of WoD people. I think Crucifix was in there, UD warrior - I played with him tons. I was late to the party for name reserves, so I’m Anesthetik on Herod.


I played a Tauren Shaman named Totemizer in a few different guilds, Symphony of Light is one that comes to mind. Some of the people I played with were Feliun, AlphaOmegan, Khandor, Rescarn, NonChampion.

Weren’t you in order of malice? This is stormi if you remember me. A good number of the old guild is rolling on Herod!

Overbyte! Definitely remember you. A lot of the old guildies are rolling Horde on Herod. Welcome to join us.

Anyone from the group that left MyLilPwny and started Phoenix together around? Later hopped to VMDIE and then Treason. I remember Taygan, Pat, and Linnis. We probably played more in BC together but if any of that group is messing with Classic it would be cool to catch up. I was an undead warlock named Porchy and an orc shaman named Shakazoolu. I’m still in touch with a lot of the others but most of them aren’t coming back for classic.

its brian

Andy and i are playing on Grobb to avoid the streamers and their fanboys, not sure about derek yet