Also seeing lots of familiar names. Good to see so many still active.
Last email I got from Lycan was about a year ago. I think he is done with gaming for good.
Dang I was hopeful he would pop up. Anyone in contact with Jaganshi? Forgive me if I am spelling that wrong.
–Angrybeef (such a stupid name what was I thinking)
I was Sharrakor, Tauren druid.
Was in WoD for a long time and then was in Crimson Beginnings in TBC (I was hosting the forum for it too). I recognize a couple WoD players names here.
I remember Griphus. Elise and Acathla, though a lot more so from Crimson Beginnings. And Eternalflame. I recognize a lot of the other Horde guilds here as well, as well as the Alliance like HH and No’Maam. Wonder how many people here were in the Bloodscalp IRC. Anyone from SMD or Desk Chair Lamp here?
Also looking for any members of Dead Rabits. Ethrian if you’re still around hmu!
Rashu - Orc - Shaman
I started on Bloodscalp at launch. I was in many guilds over the years including Symphony of Light , Contamination , and my own guild Dark Legacy.
I had a bit of a reputation / nickname “The Westfall Ganker” on account of me spending so much time running around Westfall playing with the Alliance lowbies. Hey I couldnt gank them there unless they attacked first so I wasnt all bad right? haha.
Just looking for anyone that might remember me.
I did that one time with my mage Hellba. Wandered in there at about 35-40, got tagged by a bunch of them, then hit em all with blast wave!
Then I died like a b*tch!
Good times!
Metin, Shnidy and Choupy, from the guild Batmen, also hit High Warlord.
Comer - Arms Warrior
I was a Tauren for the longest time, I ran around with smaller guilds until I managed to get into Harmonium. Then after they left I went to Blood Bath & Beyond for awhile till I started guild hopping again. I tried to make the HW grind but I was too late and only made it to Centurion before they shut it down.
Man Nephisto is a name I haven’t heard in a long long time. He and I were in a guild together when he left and did DPS. I dont even remember that name of it now. But he was hella toxic lol
Howdy old school WoD…haven’t seen yall since the beginning of TBC
RHK holy smokes! This is Strasse UD Prot Warrior, we were it tank wise!
Sup Cord, Tanked for Contaminated on my UD warrior Strasse!
about the fury warrior thing. I remember back then most guilds only had like 1 fury warrior since all the rogues would cry about losing all their loot.
a lot of my ED horde bros are going Grob so idk man seems like im hearing more stalagg on this post that before. It’ll probably depend on queue times haha
I’m pretty sure I was in WoD. Thresh, Troll rogue. I think i got kicked out haha I was 14. I played with Gertie and Cronatos a lot.
lol what up gluestic I was in batmen. Troll rogue named Thresh always playing with a tauren shaman named Cbobbyc.
Stalagg is now high, and may possibly hit full before live. New server Skeram (ET) just went up. Might want to consider moving
We decided on Stalagg server! So come join us
Badmagic! Tichondrius Exiles!! I added you on @Suutera#1972
Thresh! I got in touch with Morteus of Batmen also. Sounds like a lot of bloodscalp is rolling H Stalagg.