Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

Also if you plan to play classic I will be rolling an undead priest on the Whitemane server. hit me up Bandols#1425

Muertebind, UD Rogue here. I definitely remember Kelshaw. I was with WoD for a good chunk of vanilla until I quit for personal reasons. I remember Murtria, Jeze, Scalpy, Lugdush, Rollins. And Griphus, of course. Thronsor, Ladysnow, Desdeamona, Paceman. A druid named Mazbloodhoof. Good times.

Mostly existed in Burning Crusade but anyone from Atreus?

Creaky - Undead Priest
Nanahara - Tauren Warrior

Devi/Bloodymarry/Blutengel here. Where’s all the Sadistic Intent?

To anyone who recalls myself and my VERY special little clique of RL friends I can assure you the frequency and severity of inane butthole jokes has not diminished over time. It may have gotten worse.

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Reserved my name on Stalagg! Sounds like some other folks will be there too. By the way, anyone know if Beware will be playing?

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I’ll recognize DENDE anywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

So if my understanding is correct from the private messages I’ve had, it would seem the OG bloodscalpians are torn between EST and PST servers :frowning: Too bad they didn’t have an MST/Central like bloodscalp used to be :frowning:

For those who’ve asked i’m not 100% sure which server I’ll main on, there are 3 i’m going to be giving it a go on, but with blizzard having said they are getting more than expected, there might be small window of transfers? either way i’m playing pretty transient the first 2-4 weeks to really see where the OG’s settle their foundation.

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Moraka here from “The Gang”. I came over from EQ with a guy known as Red. I think he went by “Hedogg” in WoW? There was also “Nora” I believe who was a mutual friend. I remember playing with Dabull, who attempted to revive The Gang once the main team had moved on to Paradigm Core.

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Got talked into this nonsense today, so I guess its going to be a thing.

Most of y’all will know me as Vencent. Going to be playing Whitemane Alliance. Going to bust out the old Dwarf Warrior again for nostalgia sake.

Guilds: Darkness Descending, Millennium, The Madness, NOMAAM, Easy Mode, Resurgence Theory, Dysfunktional.

Feel free to say hi. I’ve mellowed out a bit more since I’m in my 30s now, but I’m sure some of y’all still LOVE me. Klokworkk#1334

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Holy Crap OXI this is Downwind!! Garrielcody#1254

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Undead Mage
Promethean / DPS

Yea, I’m not sure what server yet but got a guild that’s looking to hit classic pretty hard!

Holy cow! How have you been?

My man! Good to see you still around! Miss the crazy nights, MCs, ZGs, and the red-eye AQ20s right at the reset!

Deadtwo and I are going to be on Skeram. Any and all Gang members are welcome!

nice to see more of the old prom / dps’ers around.


where you goin

Shunye, your name looks familiar. I was Videl/Sulcer, troll mage. I feel like we played together at some point!

Omg Kahl!!

waddup punk!