Hey Jimmehlia, I played with you in Kingdom of Cant if you remember. My gnome rogue named Free and I was friends with Swaye. Just wanted to see if you remembered. I’ve been looking for Trogdor on this thread. We’ll see if he shows up.
Hey Halobrave, I’m having a hard time placing your character name in the guild but I was part of Kingdom of Cant as well. I’ve been looking for Trogdor to post something on this thread. But do you remember a gnome rogue named Free, that was my character. I was friends with a human paladin Swaye if you remember that character.
Character: Zorbis
Race: Night Elf
Class: Priest
Guild: Heavy Hitters during server first Rag
Ill prob be on Whitemane-PvP Alliance
I still play retail a good bit - Planning on playing some classic. Feel free to add me if we knew each other in Vanilla and you plan on playing Zorbis#1828
Jim! It’s been a long time hope you’re doing well! I think you remember me and Kierendal.
Characters: Swayee
Race: Human
Class: Paladin ( Best retardin in town according to my own opinion )
Guild: Kingdom of Cant
Character: Tethealas
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Kingdom of cant, NoMaam for a short stint,
Also my wifes character who was the Raid Leader for KoC’s Molten Core team:
Night Elf
I’m still active on my main ( The real Tethealas. I moved to Stormrage and race changed back when racial passives matter for min / max dps so now teths a worgen named Sereanth. Lol ) I was huge into PvP, especially world. I vaguely remember just about everyone here because I was a super immature 18 year old that hung out in trade chat for too long most days. Glad everyone’s getting back together. I do plan on giving it a go now that I’m getting all nostalgic from this post.
Battletag me if ya want: Chibichara#1282
Chellbin\Chell, Blanket - Rogue\Priest
Draconic Savant - Still have DEAD AF alts here!
Hoping to Connect With
Recognize a lot of names already in this thread (Hi Fat Bear!). Personally if I do touch Classic it will be really casual. Just don’t have that disposable time like I used to have way back when. I still dabble in Retail on and off on Korgath mostly, its lonely there as DS had moved there at one point but have since moved elsewhere. I’ll check out that discord prob closer to launch.
Hey Swayee - do you remember a rogue named Mita or a mage named Kindra in Kingdom of Cant? For some reason, from my old bloodscalp days you are one of the only 2 people that I can remember playing with.
Both! Probably because of how loud and cocky I was, also whenever anyone was ganked I was the first one there to get revenge for my fallen comrades!
Hi Chell! Happy to have you if you want to play with us. If you’re planning on reserving a name today we’re going to roll on Whitemane.
Nice! I’m gonna be rolling ally in classic on Whitemane Hope to see you around some!
Basucei no way!! Holy cow! Not sure if you remember me since it’s been a while, but I for sure remember you. I think we used to chat a lot with Anrox, DarkEarth, Fie, Ivori, Beer, and etc. How have you been? You planning on playing classic on Bloodscalp?
I cherish those memories! Great times! I’m not sure witch server I’ll play on yet, they’ve changed. It looks like some people are saying Whitemane here. I’m up for any PvP server, we should choose soon, name reservation goes live in an hour!
Yeah for sure! My work day is currently ending soon, you’re more than welcome to add my Battle Tag it’s Sanako#1746. I should be logging on shortly when I arrive home, lets chat soon!
Character: Curic (and later Veregas but everyone knew me as Curic)
Race: Human
Class: Paladin (then re-rolled Warrior)
Guilds: Heavy Hitters (and a few before it but mostly HH) I joined RIGHT after they got Server First Ragnaros and stayed until the end of vanilla. Not sure who will remember me (I was a stupid kid kek) I still remember the story of how I joined.
I got brought on HH PvP groups a lot (competent Paladin who wasnt a carebear) and we were in a group not long after they got rag when everyone was congratulating them. I remember Fhatjawn said during one of the rounds “Man Curic, you should just join HH”. I replied “Is that an offer?” With a little work it was and the rest was history.
I remember basically everyone from HH who was there while I was ITT so far even if I don’t remember hanging out with you I recognize your names absolutely.
I could fill this thread with great stories I remember (and might before its over) but before I do, I wanna ask did any other Bloodscalp people know that our old original server blade was one of the ones auctioned off by Blizzard awhile back to commemorate it (when they de-commissioned them)? Apparently ours that was bought ended up (via ebay) in the hands of “Gus” from “Rooster Teeth” and is residing (please someone correct me if i’m wrong) on his office wall at the RT headquarters?
Man, It warms my heart to see all these names (even people who I don’t remember but I remember your guilds names).
Anyway, I’m absolutely coming back to classic as hard as I possibly can so I will be around without a doubt 110% (been planning on making a guild for a little while now), so looking forward to seeing whoever ends up out there.
Got room for this old timer? You know it’s PvP-realm or bust here.
Wow, my little lore nerd is an old man too now. I remember MC-BoPing flags off with you in WSG. We should do more of that in classic. My bnet is Vaccine#1910
i reserved kahlandra on herod (horde) and whitemane (alliance). see you all around occasionally.
add me on bnet kahlandra#1372. i promise i’ll never message you.
Ravenguard for a bit.
Met Brutimous (warrior) there still great friends he says Hi!
Character: Deladis
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Guilds: When Mongolians Attack
If It’s Red It’s Dead (I think that’s right)
I can’t remember the others
I don’t imagine I’ll find anyone I know, but I played with people including Amanthelia (mage) and Chambersiziz (paladin)
Hi Jubilee (and associated Brut)! Great to hear from you guys.
We’re rolling on Whitemane if you want to join us! You can also join us in our Discord if you just want to chat. Getting there is as easy as going to ravenguard . org and it will take you right to us.