Bloodscalp Alliance Reconnections


Holystaff, Doku, Lilblade\Azeroth and myself will be playing classic. We are trying to convince Lilstampede to join us but dunno about that. A couple of us play retail on horde and we’re planning to roll horde for classic but I think it would be fun to play with the Bloodscalp ogs.

Sneux, Draenei Shaman

Ravenguard, Gog and Magog

What’s up dude! We’re rolling Alliance but it would be cool to see you guys out in the world!

I’ll be sure to update the top level post when we pick a server.

EDIT: You guys are also welcome in our Discord server to reminisce. Go to ravenguard . org and it will automatically redirect you.

Oviruso, Human Paladin

Meat and two Veg, We Band of Brothers

Hoping to Connect With
Anyone that that is rolling on the Arugal-Oceanic PVP server.

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Hey armaros, i think i played with you in DS/No Reality in BC. My mains name was utdaydar, holy pally. I am still playing!

Character: Utdaydar
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin (holy)
Guilds: Vigilant/No reality/Draconic Savant

Your name sounds familiar. Do you remember a holy paladin, utdaydar? Not sure when/what guild we played together in.

Hey Fhat, didnt we play 5s together in BC? I played a holy paladin, Utdaydar. Add me to real ID! Snowblind#1576

Jimmeh! Catoblepas would be the most likely name you’d recognize of mine. Or maybe the warrior, Domon. How have you been bud?

YESSSSS JIDO, Thaylin has been looking for you! My guy was Catoblepas/Domon, rogue/warrior respectively. Add me on battle net and I’ll get you in touch with Thaylin.

Characters: Catoblepas, Domon, Razorwolf
Guilds: Eternal Sacrifice, as well as a guild run by Laurellian, his brother, rainelf and enyo (don’t remember the name.)

Notable people I remember playing with: Kirkule, Thaylin, Eausaram, Slavekitten, Jido, Jimmehlia, Slannesh, Kambria, Alteros, Agram, Windfury, Ladyblue, Kavya and many more.

Looking forward to playing some Classic again so if anyone wants to collect on a particular server let me know.

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Rooster#1796 - Thaylin … Hit me up sometime! My wife and I are still hanging around. Raiding on Nesingwary now. Sh#t server, but got a good thing going over there. Rubbi / Fabiola says hi! You were always her favorite lol!


trees are uber!

Character: Keedy
Guilds: IFNT mostly

Notable people i remember playing with: Vhareeza, Gangril, Tigerlily, Commodus

I’m possibly gonna be playing pretty casually in classic.

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I didn’t start playing until BC so I won’t do a proper format, but I still recognize a fair few amount of names in here. Cool stuff. I was Sploojicus before I was Flijjy, in case anyone is curious. Briefly in Toxic, and longer in Imperial Army. Shout outs to those

For some reason I am thinking Vhareeza was the guy raiding at a Panera.

Lamen the Gnome Mage. Been a LONG time!


Wow, been a long time!!

Wonder how many ol’ IFNT gang will be returning. I am debating on actually going back to classic, but I am definitely going to be playing extra-casual this time around.

-Trees are uber!


Surprising to me is that Infinity is still alive. Last people I saw that I knew in the guild was dendaris and klugheit but last I talked to them was 3+ years ago.

infinitewipes us is the website. Actually saw Runner posted a couple years ago in the forums.

Looks like Ravengaurd is the only ones with their crap together and whitemane sounds like the safest server to me as well as streamers seem to be going for EST.

Only other person I know will be playing from IFNT is Manea

Hey, Bash! I recognized your Rogue’s name over your lock’s, lol. It’s good to see more of us old CoL peeps still kicking around! Seems to be growing by the day. If you want to get it touch, I left my battletag in my last comment in the thread.

Character: Edgar
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Guilds: The Madness

Rolling on a pvp server for Classic, seeing if any old guild mates are as well. Geoffrey (Dwarf Paladin) and I are going to be playing it like its 2004!!