Bloodscalp Alliance Reconnections

Philhendrie Gnome warrior
Guild, Champions of light
see you guys on whitemane.

Hey bash, Kincora here, rolling with some CoL peeps over on Fairbanks if you want to join us, hoping to locate more before launch. Wallybean#1408 if you want to add me

Character: Jayhugie
Race: Angry Gnome
Class: Mage
Guild: Darkness Descending and HH

/wave to some old friends. Recognizing lots of names. Will be attempting to play some Classic very casually. Created Jayhugie on Faerlina for now. Looking to see who else is playing and where…

Anyone know what happened to Grannock???

Also looking for Raznub, Falkz, Gunnins, Durange, Waynen, Ragni, Ronthus and surely more. Sup!

CURIC where you playing my dude. I’m either making a warlock or a rogue but for faction i don’t really care as long as i can find old people to play with.

-Shunye (Troll Rogue)

ps. i just found out velth is coming back too.

So it seems most are going to Whitemane on the classic servers?

Dude I remember you being one of the best shadow priests I ever played against.

Haha all I remember was being in NoMaam and being a terrible person. Thank god I’ve grown up. I think I got kicked from HH for being a stupid troll. Hope everyone is doing well.

-Darigaaz ->night elf hunter

I hope Hokagtsunade & his brother are doing well.

Character: Grawf
Race: Dwarf
Class: paladin
Guild: Hordes most Wanted / Knights Templar / Champion of light

Whats up guys good to see some people reconnecting in this thread. Some of us from back in the day still play retail on Galakrond. Totally up for recreating CoL and reconnecting with you guys. I’ll get up with some of the old timers i used to play with see if i can get them on board.


I don’t remember you. I wish i had screenshots or something it would help jog my memory of everyone. I only remember like 3 or 4 names but I know I played with a lot of people.

Hey Phil! Yet another name I recognize. It’s been a while! So far it’s looking like quite a few of us from CoL are gonna be over on Fairbanks, you’re more than welcome to join us, not sure what the guild will be called as of yet. But, if you’re going to Whitemane for specific reasons that’s fine too. We’ll keep in touch. I went ahead and made a discord server for us to get together outside of the game if we want. If you would like the info, send me a FR on my Bnet. Shdwfox691#1421

Oh man, it’s Grawf! So many names that I thought I had forgotten over the years and here’s another that hit me before I even scrolled past your character name. How’ve you been man??
Quite a few of us are gonna be heading over to Fairbanks it seems once Classic launches. And I wasn’t aware that any of the old CoL crew moved elsewhere, I’ll have to hop onto Galakrond and say hey to whoever is left! If you would like to join us, or reconnect/get back in touch with some of us, send me a FR on Bnet and I’ll toss you the discord info. Shdwfox691#1421

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So cool to see all the familiar names/guilds

Character name: Lenaria
Class: Human mage
Guilds: Knights Templar, Eternal Sacrifice


Human Rogue
Eternal Sacrifice

Nice to see some many ES people here! I’m running with Jido and a handful of other ES folks (Kedekai, Windfury).

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Thaylin!? Just added you on Battle net

Haha Catoblepas, I remember you brother. What’s your battle tag?

Kezall#1948. Also, Thaylin was looking to reconnect with Kavya and Windfury, so send them his way. Way more ES folks here than I originally expected.

Character: Indame
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Guilds: Mass Destruction

I can’t be the only one looking for people from this guild! Valkyrie, Chitown, Soskue, Emoxphil, Main tank was Vyne. Guild leader was this ghetto white dude i think his name started with d. Hello?

Anyone have a guild running for week day evenings? I’d prefer to play with some old names

We basically INVENTED MC-BoP (not the only people but we made it up on our own at the same time as others). I still remember how we instantly got massive forum salt. You know you’re an MMO old timer when you can say they had to change game mechanics because of you. I added you we gotta catch up man.

I’ve basically told anyone since the game ended til now he was the best shadow priest I ever saw.

Hey man! I’m Curic#11861 add me, I sort of feel the same way about faction I’ll go wherever all us OG bros want to. Anybody on Bloodscalp feel free to add me. I will play whereever but please god avoid the streamers like the plague.

I remember yours for sure man! I remember you always wrecking my warrior in duels except the one time I landed that reflector trinket on a pyroblast.

Oh man I remember you Jay and all those names too. I remember Razvy hated me (not really though) and Ragni sounded like Jack Black on vent.

I remember you too man, IIRC we used to call you “Syz” for short a lot. Feel free to add me if you want.

Hey Edgar, it’s Livingston (been maining other characters since classic).

I remember you from when I was leading Outrage before I quit (came back a year later after TBC had launched and have moved around a lot since then). Here’s a screenshot from our post-The Relics days, taken from the Outrage forums, of us kiting one of those immune mobs to IF to level weapon skills, lol.

https : // i. imgur .com / MA5fhQs.jpg

Good times!