Bloodscalp Alliance Reconnections

Hey Craig! I was in Merry Band of Misfits with you. I probably was playing my warrior named Elydis or my hunter named Airik. I’ve kept in touch with quite a few of the old MBoM members. Still play with a few of them. Good to see you still around.


Crazy to see these old guild names popping up in here!

Paladin: Melynda
Guild: We Band of Brothers

We have a few of us that have stuck around together since Bloodscalp! Who else is lurking out there!


Character: Mshadows
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guilds: The Essence of Agony, Altered State.


Funkshow and Birdman here!

Character: Encognito
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue
Guild: Omnipotent

I recognize a lot of people here… even you Melynda! :stuck_out_tongue: ~ I don’t know if any of the Omni guys are coming back, I’d like to get in touch with any of the older members. Also trying to get in touch with Jakari from HH. I’m not sure what class I’ll be raiding with in vanilla. I’m 33 years old now… so a lot has changed since I was a kid playing WoW. Anyways… looking for a good raiding guild to have fun with, let me know, my btag is Slip#11183 ~ hit me up!


Schmerzlock (Human Warlock)
Schmerzor (Human Pally)
Guild: Draconic Savant, Modus Vivendi

im playin horde now, but my ID is Schmerz#1516 if you remember me… looking forward to having server identity again… really an amazing thing we took for granted, the fact we can jump on here and i can see names i remember for 13 years ago is awesome… wish we could have that back with live

Character: Basucei
Race: Human
Class: Paladin (Holy)
Guilds: Noble Knights, Deus Ex

I am giddy with delight seeing all the old Deus Ex names mentioned here! Some of my favorite times ever were progressing through Kharazan with everyone! :smiley:

Looking forward to potentially getting the gang back together!

If all the guilds that are coming back would be up for picking a classic server to designate for Bloodscalp I would be up for it. My only ask is to avoid the streamers.


Hey Koneko - I was Xchaoshunter in Toxic and mainly played during TBC also! I remember Peil and I think the other was Detach or Dispatch? The raid leader that is… I am planning on making my toons on Herod if you want to hook up.

Character: Halobravo
Race: Human, Male
Class: Mage
Guilds: Kingdom of cant.

I vaguely remember a few of the people from the guild I use to play with. A spunky dwarf paladin named Trogdor. And my first friend on wow before he rerolled servers Dkar, a night elf warrior. I believe the leaders of KoC were a night elf priest and her bf a rogue.

I use to like helping lowbies especially in STVietnam cause I would get to PvP a lot. I remember playing with the marshals group grinding honor even though I wasn’t a marshal yet. Guess I was good enough. I use to guard the bridge at farm going to the mines and not let anyone pass.

I wish I still had screenshots from back then I am really bad with names but I interacted with a lot of people and I loved PvP.

Character: Vaccine, Night Elf Priest
Guild: Heavy Hitters

Looking for more old timers to play classic on a PvP-realm. Probably Horde this time.


Wait, do I know you IRL? Did you play with Josh and Zac, my cousins?

Character Name
Bashlexi, Gnome Warlock

Champions of Light

Pretty casual these days. No firm plans as of yet. Just gonna check it out.

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Character Name: Briselody

Guilds: Vindication (I think?), Vanguard

It’s crazy seeing all these Guild names I used to know.

Saiesha, Human Mage
Elyndl, NElf Druid
Kaldira, NElf Warrior

Guilds: I can’t remember!!! :frowning:

Hoping to connect with: Anyone who wants to…

Has anyone decided which server the Bloodscalp OG’s are going to? The list is here…

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BARCA! Know if Killian or his brother still play. I was Azeroth the paladin, Lilblade and Azer

Leeuhh - Warlock in Heavy Hitters then (and now) cheers to all! Enjoying retail as a filthy casual but pondering classic…good to see some familiar names!

Wow. This thread is booming! I’m going to be playing a horde shaman on Thalnos With some RL friends. Never got a chance to play a shaman at 60 and my RL friends are refusing to play alliance. :confused: Would love to play with some old guild mates if any of you are planning on rolling horde. If not, hoping you all don’t roll alliance on Thalnos! Lol.

Joren! Hey man how’s Bashah doing? What are you all planning on playing?

Craig/Verria: Syncretic here. Been a long time. I found some of our old TBC raids on YouTube the other day and showed my 8 year old son. Think it may have been the first time he was proud of me… LOL

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Hi Azeroth!

Richter has said that Killian will play, though we’ve yet to see him pop up in the Discord. If you go to ravenguard . org it will redirect you automatically to the Discord server.

We’re currently in the process of picking which server to roll on, come join us!