HH’s one and only ret pally! (add me botch#11660)
HH’s one and only ret pally! (add me botch#11660)
I added thaylin on real ID. You guys helped me out when I got my account hacked and you guys gave me a ton of BoE’s while we waited for blizz to get back to me, so I could still come to the 10man strats and 15 man ubr raids we used to do back then. ES was one of my first social bonds in a big group, and despite how poorly I handled things at 14 years old, if you could pass a big thanks to Thaylin and His wife for me, that’d be greatly appreciated. I’m glad to hear you guys are still around in general.
-Apollexis, level 60 paladin. Apollexis#1142 btag
What up Botch! I made a toon on Whitemane but if the que is nuts on Monday I’ll prolly play somewhere else.
Hey! I might be rolling on Herod but we’ll see! Whitemane sounds good too! see you in game my friend.
The Fest Archimonde kill on hacky’s youtube channel is the best, good times.
geez, all the scary priests are coming back @_@ grannock, botch, vaccine
Got talked into this nonsense today, so I guess its going to be a thing.
Most of y’all will know me as Vencent. Going to be playing Whitemane Alliance. Going to bust out the old Dwarf Warrior again for nostalgia sake.
Guilds: Darkness Descending, Millennium, The Madness, NOMAAM.
Feel free to say hi. I’ve mellowed out a bit more since I’m in my 30s now, but I’m sure some of y’all still LOVE me. Klokworkk#1334
update for me - my friends changed to stalagg horde, so i’ll primarily be there. hope to see some of you around!
Did you have a low level alliance alt named Avec? I can’t remember if you played that paladin alt or if it was a druid from real men of genius.
Uh, wow, I never thought I’d see anyone here. You’re the first.
Fand, Night Elf Druid (New Enemy Conquest)
Clair, Gnome Warlock (New Enemy Conquest)
Demix, Orc warlock (Dentarg, Andorhal)
Wow, I remember you. I was Fand the NE druid and Clair the Gnome Warlock.
You made the right decision ( i hope lol).
I’m going horde Stalagg as well. Unless i go to log on and the que is greater then 3 hours i might move.
Dude, how’s things man! We actually will be on Stalagg cause Herod being so full.
i did have a low level paladin alt that i leveled to 60 eventually and ran on a couple alt runs with various guilds for fun. Avec doesn’t sound like a name i would use but its been so long who knows what it was called lol.
I think we might have known of each other, but I’m not 100% certain. I leveled with another Paladin named Avec who told me about his time in horde guilds on the server, I didn’t even have a clue about how guilds worked at that point lol. If it was you, then you tanked a lot of gnomeragon and then close to the 40s you took a big break.
I reserved Curic on Whitemane and Herod so I’m probably going to land on one of those too (or try to). Looking Whitemane-Alliance for now (but if its screwed up enough I could end up elsewhere).
I raided with WeBoB through MC to AQ back in the day - I’ll be starting on Arugal too - HMU Seveinus#1543
Undead Mage
Promethean / DPS
hi tell wooz to add me Archimondus#1266
Character: Manea
Race: NE
Class: priest
Guilds: IFNT