Bloodscalp Alliance Reconnections

Vaccine, i heard that thalnos is the unofficial Brazilian server. Not sure if this is true or not

this is true, unless they decided to move when another server opened.

First post today for thalnos on wow recruitment discord is a guild called “This is Brazil.” main language Portuguese. Looks like they are staying so far.

Commodus here. Got sent this way by an old friend.


Feels like yesterday. That mage squad was Good Times.

In addition to the names you mentioned @ Brennan, would love to know what others…Will, Wildmistake, Gnuoyiy, Vhareeza, Alias, Mustaine, Nikolaz, Haze, Lawbringer (CD), Dashy, Numbfish, IT, Minibobina, Corbeau, Kastria, etc. are up to.

When I’ve intermittently played over the years, the top of the IF bank mailbox has continued to be my home. Just wasn’t the same as 40 man vibes back in the day, though. Might check in on this classic nonsense, but it is hard to imagine it will be like it was.

That said, if anyone wants to carry me in SC2, I play mostly on the European servers - name is ‘Braindead’.

Cheers, all.


just means it will be easier to kill them all with their terrible connections.

Hey man, it’s Kavya. Just hit you up on Bnet friends

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Hey Commodus glad that one of the mage squad is still alive was getting worried 0.0

I wanted to list so many names including the ones you have but felt it would basically be one step away from having the entire guild roster on one post.

Only Manea has commited to play so far from IFNT.

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omg holy frick

What’s the server of choice here?

The Rogue? Gnome?

Name: Virel - Night Elf - Rogue
Guild: The Madness - Server First BWL Nefarian kill

I Remember so many good times from when we first transfered to this server. As a 20 year old punk I played vanilla since open beta and left around the middle of AQ 40. Came back for TBC on another server as horde and played through Wrath and Cataclysm. After Cataclysm i took some time off and came back for MoP played a while then left then came back in WoD then left and havent been back since.

Really looking forward to all the FEELS from classic and making new friends. I will probably be playing an undead shadow priest on Stallag PVP server, then re spec holy for raiding at 60.

I remember so many good people and some f’ing amazing characters: Unholymage, Brolli, Mulletmadness, Painkiller, Lumien, Carber, IT, Frankie. Some great horde players as well, Wooz and a few others.


give me that Battlenet ID you big dumb bastard

Awesome! Hit me up whenever. Do you have contact info for Eausaram and SlaveKitten?

Thornton - Human Mage
Guilds - Draconic Savant, The Fest, The Wolf Pack, Serious PvE Guild. Also I think I was in Ravenguard briefly?

Hi everyone. I’m now a husband and a dad and employed full-time but I plan on rolling a priest on Whitemane with whatever time I can get (Thörnton since Thornton was already taken… jeez).

Grimmli, Kahlandra, Egemal, Leah, Barca, all names I remember! /wave

Bruh, we are still FB friends :smiley:

BISHI! You are the man.

If any of the old HH guys wanna chat - mindwaste#11911

Name: Eausaram, Ebaby, Ebâby. /// Konflikt horde side, orc warrior.
Race: Gnome
Class: Warrior
Guild: Eternal Sacrifice, Legendary

It’s great seeing all these names again. Old guild mates, pvp friends what a trip down memory lane. Thay, Cato, Kavya o7 gentlemen. I’ve reconnected with a few of you over the years on various servers. I am still trying to track down the other 3 members of the most fun dungeon group I’ve ever played with no offense to the rest of you.

Kronor, Saniah, Flis? Where you at, how you been? Coming back, checking in? You’ve been missed and I hope life has treated you all well. That goes for the rest of you as well. Cheers.

Also looking for Mikepally, Potionlady, Littleman, Ladyblue, Windfury, Evain (NANI!?), Rasttamon I’ll update this as more names come to me.

A message to the horde: Vyra it was always a pleasure to duel you or come across you in BG’s I just knew it’d be a fun match every single time. A bit more obscure the undead rogue and tauren warrior whom used to make warcraft videos on bloopscalp… your names are eluding me atm but I haven’t forgotten the fun times!


They do, heard you’ve been in contact already. Should have someone give you the discord info.

Botch, Dwarf Priest
IFNT, The Madness, Heavy Hitters, The Fest
Open to hanging out with anyone from the old days while playing Classic.

I remember randomly being recruited into IFNT at lvl 58 to use fearward on Magmadar and later on we defeated Rag for the first time… I was in greens lol.

Runner, Dashy, Guniyoi, Snowfox, Donterious, Xaser, Darkest(helped you with ur epic bow quest)

The Madness
Killed Nef the first time, an epic 30 min fight and BWL chat was always fun.

Brolli, Kamuzu, Eckz, Fiskett, Nomedemon, Kamuzus brother, Painkiller, Philagogus(dwarf priest brotha), Badhsha, Flatliner

Heavy Hitters
I remember C’Thun progression/kill and Naxx progression, world boss pvp.
Grannock, Metalstrike, Ronthus, Molebomb, Bollsidolla, Fhatjawn, Tigerlily, It, Talares, Kyro, Waynen, Phoenix, Commodus

The Fest
I still watch Hacky’s youtube channel from time to time, best guild ever. “GET EM WESTHOF”
Vernicus, Verria, Craig, Dtrain, Westhof, Hacky, Fladex, Guoiy.

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Hi Grannock, welcome back. Lets do it all over again shall we?
