Bloodscalp Alliance Reconnections

Character: Thodin
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guilds: Burning Malice, then got absorbed into a bigger guild cant remember who.

I was hoping to see old Prefects/The Fest peeps! Looking to start on Fairbanks, know anyone else and were they are starting?

All these years believing I could 1 day join you guys and still the answer is no :frowning: Why Fhatjawn why cant you let us have a 2nd chance at joining HH. Liink said I would get that chance :frowning:

Warrior: Brainwash
Guild: Death before Dishonor

we finally get into MC with other guilds running with us and it all falls apart :disappointed_relieved:

JIDO!!! Oh man!

< Avox. That sexy dwarf paladin.
Add me on bnet - Broomzelda#1255

Vinci Human Combat Daggers Rogue

Noble Knights and Imperial Army

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Im gonna try skeram if its playable

incoming race to get out of the starting zones!

Wow I remember you and these other people you listed, too… I was Virzy the NE Druid. I raided with Infinity and I did a lot of PvP with the main group.

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Hey Barca, I used to be in Ravenguard back in the day. My first character was Xandina human warrior. I’ve had several toons since then. I got all my old roomates to join the guild too. The server seems to full on Whitemane. Are you guys possibly considering Bigglesworth or Blaumeux?? Any info would be awesome!

Xandina (also Sonofxan, Nakura, Don Julio)

Daaaang I always thought Runner and Corbeau were so cool haha

Wooz (Wooz#1212) here.

Yakuza/Evil Clownz Sect/The Madness

hi to the folks I know here. rolling Alliance (warrior) on Skeram, probably playing casually.

Hi Xan/Donjulio, good to see you back in the fold!

We’re still working under the assumption that Whitemane is the place and that the queues will die down after a few days to a week. If we were to roll on a different server it would be Bigglesworth, though!

Feel free to join the discord and come reminisce even if we don’t end up on the same server. You can get there by going to ravenguard . org

Duuuuuuude I never forgot Rainelf! I just did a control+f to look for his name lol. Wasn’t the guild called Simon Says Die??


I was part of the group that moved to Dentarg with NEC!

-Virzy, NE Druid (swapped to Rogue on Dentarg with same name)

Hey Virzy,

Your name is definitely familiar.

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It was indeed. Glad to see I’m not the only one whom they made an impact on.

hello. horde whitemane for the win.

Legacy is recruiting.


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Hey stranger, it’s been a long time. Hopefully my raid lead styles are something you’ve forgotten. :stuck_out_tongue: I have no idea who is actually coming back to classic, but I’ll be honest I have reservations about getting involved in the grindier version of WoW with people who still aim to play and raid retail.

That said, I’m heavily leaning towards playing again. With Slavekitten being more busy IRL the warrior leveling grind is going to be rough I think. I’ll have to get in touch with some people and figure out where and how this is going to go down.

Hopefully, I’ll see you in game. o7

Hi Barca! This is Repugnant, Night Elf Rogue - Ravenguard. Playing Horde ( Violence / Undead Warlock ) with my family on Kurinnaxx.

Utdaydar, thats a name I haven’t seen in a while.

Myself, Aoden, and Almonjin are playing Alliance on Herod.
