Bloodsail Buccaneers -dead

Ironforge site has Alliance down to 450 characters now, and accounting for alts guarantees this to be less unique players.

While I understand the concern I do not agree with the OP.

Firstly, almost every server I see when I log on is either locked or high population - mostly locked. There are no low or even medium population servers to merge with.

Secondly a merger with a non-RP server would be bad in many ways - I have seen that in other games when they did such. The server just becomes a regular server.

Thirdly, it is good to have choices - not all players like being on a high population server with a lot of competition for resources, mobs and achievements. BSB is the only choice for people that do not want a huge server and some of us came here for that very reason.


I play on Atiesh which I don’t think has a high pop. So I just checked, Atiesh and a couple other servers are listed as medium pop. All others are locked.

I agree with you, mostly. However they shouldnt trap us here if we want more players to play with.

They could have offered all the other small servers the chance to help repopulate bsb if they dont want to let those of us who want to, leave. There are plenty of people on the medium servers that wanted that small server feel, but instead they just completely ignore us because we are RP. I rarely even see anyone doing any RP.

You’re not being held hostage or ignored. All these mental gymnastics because you don’t want to pay for a transfer.

Yeah, I don’t. It is a lot of money, especially after seeing basically all the other servers bailed out.


I don’t want to leave either. I’ve been raiding with my guild since we first set foot into MC. They are people that I consider friends. Without an influx of new people to the server we are really going to start hurting.

I’ll reiterate what I said before: a lot of people are on break because they’re tired of ICC and are just waiting for the next thing to come along. Let’s wait and see how server population looks after Cata comes out and people start coming back before we take any drastic measures, especially if that means merging an RP server with a non-RP server

People will be back for a month tops and realize the server is dead.

K, so if that happens we can address it then

It’s not an if, it’s a when.

Oh you can see the future?

I don’t play on BSB, but have always had a soft spot for RP servers ever since I played on Sentinels back when this was live content. With Blizzard doing mergers, and sticking to server-types(the free xfers off realms to Mankrik were all from pve realms to a pve realm, and those servers are going to be merged somewhere but they haven’t announed exactly where yet) I would assume that they will do a second round of transfers and mergers once they finish with the first round. So go reserve your names on all the other RPPvE servers, and on Grobbulus just to be safe, and wait for the next round of xfers and mergers. It seems to me that they’re doing the more populated low-pop servers in the first round, but I sincerely doubt it is the only round of xfers and mergers they will do.

Grobb and BSB are the only RP servers, period. That’s the issue here - any merging for BSB would include a non-RP server or a PvP server

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