Wrath went largely silent because people are done with ICC. SoD is not the sole reason people aren’t playing Wrath right now
its a server population issue, you’re just making excuses. Pagle just ran a 25 m ICC at 5am on Tuesday. They have ICC, VOA and Ruby Sanctum ect running around the clock. Log into a character in Dalaran and it looks and feels like 08 again with 100s of people running around being active. Pagle has 50+ level 80s logged in at 6am on Tuesday, Bloodsail has 12 level 80s on and 34 players total…
what happens then is we have people to play with
Regardless of what caused it, BsB totally needs a merger. The server is absolutely one hundred percent dead. I’ve been on the server for years like many others now and it has gotten only worse through Wrath. Especially these past few months. I’m not paying for several toon transfers to actually play the game to the fullest cuz wow wants to make their money lol… I kept telling myself they will fix this server population issue and so far nothing.
This was partly why I loved BSB when I joined in TBC, not one of the massive servers, but a tight-knit community. At least on Horde side, idk about Alli.
In TBC it was much more alive. Now it is a ghost town.
Alli is the same my friend
Just saw they were actually combining servers around cata launch didnt mention anything about what the plans are with bloodsail tho…
First BSB RPers complained when the HC crowd moved in and gave a huge population to the server. Now they’re complaining because all the HC players left for official HC/SoD? Make up your minds, please!
Wrong bsb. This is wotlk.
That’s because Hc players are dumb lol waste all their actual time and effort dying in game. Plus Hardcore started on classic era BsB and they still failed to go on the correct era server. Im glad they left though they served no purpose on Wrath era BsB. You couldn’t even play with them cuz of dumb HC rules. If anything people left BsB for Sod in my opinion. Still though this server is dead as hell and medium pop servers get better treatment for free transfers then BsB. Sucks to pick a Rp server in this game i guess.
It’s worse on the Horde. We have half the population that you Alliance do. I would love to see them merge us with another non-mega server. Those mega servers suck. I have a Shammy on Mankrik, all it is is GDKP. The roster boss hasn’t been too big of a problem for us but come Cata we are losing a few people.
BSB will probably do okay once Cataclysm hits. No one is playing there right now because it’s the tail end of Wrath and everyone is playing SoD.
Merging with a non-RP realm would be a huge mistake because the demographics are not compatible with each other.
BsB is the only RP server so it won’t get merged or anything.
I’m sure in a week pop will explode just again so wait that out before buying transfers.
Do people even RP on the server anymore? It’s basically just a PVE server now. I think the server community would still be better off merging with smaller PVE servers. The huge influx of people for Cata, if it does happen at all, won’t last for long.
They should just let you guys have the choice of going to Grobb or whatever PVE servers are still alive.
I’m too old to deal with PVP and most of the pve servers are the giant mega servers. There are a few small, but still bigger than us, pve servers. All they have to do is lump us together and most of the populations will be happy.
Yeah I dont get why they axed Windseeker, it was pretty small but balanced, seems ideal for certain players.
But yet kept BSB with like 700 active players or something. Ridiculous.
Can’t count those numbers as true. I don’t know how it is on Alliance but on Horde plenty of us raid on multiple characters.