Bloodmoon sucks

Thanks for bumping blood moon for the third time rather than give us a new PvP event. Really appreciate that.


Thank good they brought bloodmoon back. It’s exponential better than BRM. It’s tons of fun with a good organized group.

If you’re going to cry at least provide an idea for something better.


A dog could crap in the woods and it would be better.

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SoD is saved!!!

I’m hyped for Blood Moon. It’s the best PvP event they’ve done so far.


I thought you were quitting SOD?

Seems like you are struggling to survive or kill people in stv so you instead went straight to the forums to complain. Your doin great


Nothing better than being able to murder the BUMs on my own faction. If only the bloodmoon event existed inside of BGs. They just need to fix the horrible attempt at layer balancing that causes you to layer away from your team mid combat. Or have an enemy team just layer on top of you. And the world server is down nonsense.

They also need to remove the 30% hp buff in BGs and the events. People running around with 15k hp is absurd.

Blood moon is absolute garbage, a laggy mess that is only fun if your class has instant aoe to spam like hunters.

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^^Lol? thanks for you telling us you suck

Got 2200 coins in a melee windfury group yesterday

PS Blood Moon owns


Wow you got a ton of coins with instant aoe spam? Very cool!

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Yup, there are quite a few group comps that will own in there, did they change Samantha yet though?

the best part of Bloodmoon is STV would have just been better for PvP if they never added it

I’ve enjoyed it in the other phases. But this one… not so much… TBH I have not been even able to play. The only 3 events I have tried to play I was layered with no one. Just a group of 5 of us doing nothing… Zzzzz

Bloodmoon is the worst kind of PVP there is in WOW. To make matters worst, they assign the best-in-slot PVP items to the event. Forcing people who play wow PVP to engage in the worst content they could create. Pve’ers get mulitple well designed raids. PVPers got bloodmoon every 3 hours. I know there are a lot of simple minded people that enjoy the BM event. Cool, let those people farm mounts and other cosmetics. But if you’re going to assign best-in-slot pvp items, the pvp should be competitive, engaging, and rewarding. I was against arenas in SOD but my goodness that would be way better than this crap.


2200 is amazing. Any tips?

^The highest I’ve ever gotten was 3100 in Phase 3, and that was with Warrior, 2 Rogues, Enhancement Shaman, and Disc Priest. People just completely melted with the CC/Burst 2 rogues provided and they’re also amazing at protecting and peeling DPS off the healer with that. Enhancement was very strong that phase and obviously Windfury increased everyone’s damage a lot(especially mine). Nobody could survive the focused fire of us for more than a few seconds, even those cheese tank specs. And yeah we were obviously all in discord.

I haven’t gone all tryhard yet with the event this phase yet but that group was 2 warriors, a rogue, Shaman, and Resto Druid.

I love the idea that all you BUMs have regarding PvP. Like if it isn’t some organized thing specifically meant for PVP then the PVP is somehow bad. The whole point of Vanilla is WORLD PVP. If you don’t enjoy world pvp and want competitive arena/rbgs than vanilla aint for you.

They add PvP specific items that people wanted. But now because it comes from the bloodmoon event it’s just horrible? What a BUM take…

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I like STV better than BRM too. Gotta work as a team. Some classes are very op, true, but it can still be fun.

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Amazing I’m going to try out rogue in my melee cleave comp. My favourite in phase 3 was Warrior, ret, ret ,feral (wild strikes,) and healer.

I’ll try that again but with a rogue instead of a second ret. Thanks.

I’m still trying to determine the best healer class to roll with.