Bloodmoon sucks

Thanks for bumping blood moon for the third time rather than give us a new PvP event. Really appreciate that.


Thank good they brought bloodmoon back. It’s exponential better than BRM. It’s tons of fun with a good organized group.

If you’re going to cry at least provide an idea for something better.


A dog could crap in the woods and it would be better.

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SoD is saved!!!

I’m hyped for Blood Moon. It’s the best PvP event they’ve done so far.


I thought you were quitting SOD?

Seems like you are struggling to survive or kill people in stv so you instead went straight to the forums to complain. Your doin great


Nothing better than being able to murder the BUMs on my own faction. If only the bloodmoon event existed inside of BGs. They just need to fix the horrible attempt at layer balancing that causes you to layer away from your team mid combat. Or have an enemy team just layer on top of you. And the world server is down nonsense.

They also need to remove the 30% hp buff in BGs and the events. People running around with 15k hp is absurd.

Blood moon is absolute garbage, a laggy mess that is only fun if your class has instant aoe to spam like hunters.

^^Lol? thanks for you telling us you suck

Got 2200 coins in a melee windfury group yesterday

PS Blood Moon owns

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Wow you got a ton of coins with instant aoe spam? Very cool!