Bloodmoon sucks

i would have preferred a new pvp event. i think there’s a lot of wasted potential in azshara turning it into a dota style map. blood moon i just think a mindless, simple gameplay loop that doesn’t really engage the player. But i can also say that it’s obvious SoD is winding down and minimum effort is shown across the board.

You’ve bested my top performance by 100.

It’s nice seeing people accumulate a lot of coins.
Seeing many complaints about getting 1k or less per event is sad, sometimes.

If you’re playing arms, I’d suggest the double healer comp.
Priest/Paladin, BEAR DRUID W/ WILD STRIKES (he’ll eat the damage, hopefully), then get a Melee BM Hunter. If you run 1 healer maybe add a Ret Paladin.

I’ve been running with 1/2 healers, Glad Stance Warrior for meatshield, then boomy/hunter/shaman.

Having a meatshield in P6 (Horde w/ no bubble) is massive.
1.5k-2k per event.

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Tbh the only bad thing with BM was shaman being so oppressive at the time. The event was cool

Yeah that’s the thing. If a class is highly overtuned then the event becomes crap because there’s nothing else to do than fighting. I still wish they’d allow the same collection rate everywhere rather than at the boss because the 6 and 9pm events are unplayable with the lags.

Thanks a lot I will try out double healer I’ve never done that before so I’m super curious how it will go.

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Turns out, I’m too lazy to make it passed level 1.

Didn’t even step foot in it. I remember it from phase 2, because as I pointed out it’s recycled.

Roll a shaman. They can for some reason murder their own faction in BRM.

I think solo kills should reward more than group kills. Incentivizing group kills is just kinda lame sauce to me.

I’m not a fan of everyone just being in 5 man groups. Should be an option, but it shouldn’t be the only option.

Would have been nice if they bumped up all the world pvp events to max level, and had the currency be universal between them so if you preferred one over the other, you could get it from that instead. Or maybe even bg tokens… The honor system from vanilla just isn’t designed for addition rewards sadly.

pretty much how I view it tbh. Cool conceptually, terrible in actuality.

I mean, i don’t think anyone’s against the gear, just how it’s rewarded. It’s a fun event for certain classes, and for others it’s just a miserable experience all around… though I suppose that describes PvP in general for vanilla, so maybe you’re right on that.

Saaaame. Feels long overdue, especially considering how relatively low effort STV / BRM felt.

Technically can kill mobs too.

I think that’s why I like BRM more. You can work as a team, but you also get compensated pretty heavily for solo kills. I think that should be the case in STV, but it isn’t.

The only thing that annoys me about the new Blood Moon is the fact that the boss seems programmed to patrol to a different altar halfway through the event now. Every single BM event for the past day has had him just completely disappear from the first altar at around the 15-20 min mark.

Itd be fine if BM was 60 minutes long, but its a 30 min event. Repositioning wastes 5 minutes minimum. Super frustrating.

EDIT: An update on this, he just stayed at the same altar the entirety of my last Blood Moon. I assume now that there’s some dedicated group intent on kiting him away from the altar and I just kept running into their layer or something lol.

Still annoying, but I can respect the hustle.

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One of the things I like about Blood Moon is that you can generally tell who the bad players are depending on what they say about it on the forums. If you got common sense and situational awareness you shouldn’t be getting less than like 1000 coins per event, even with no discord. If somebody is whining about a certain class, or says you need to spam AoE, or stack ranged/certain classes to do good… well… there’s only one thing you need to hear, you suck.

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I just don’t enjoy group PvP. It being pitched as a free for all event just to be entirely based around grouping is kinda lamesauce to me. I don’t mind that grouping is an option, I just mind that it feels like the only option.

It literally is the funnest thing you can do in sod… what’s more fun? Killing ragnaros over and over every week? Name one thing that is more fun to do in sod than the blood moon event.

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For certain classes I can see it being fun. When you’re a class based around 1v1s, having 4 other people almost guaranteed to pop out on you every time you open isn’t the greatest experience. Just feels like being a suicide bomber as a rogue.

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Join a melee cleave group with a good arms warrior, ret x2 (or feral with wildstrikes if you can find one) and a healer. You roll as a wrecking ball it’s tons of fun. The 1 minute vanish set bonus is probably the way to go too.

That… would be incredibly nice to have for that event. Alas, the not enjoying grouping applies to PvE as well lol, and blizzard decided to throw a very much pvp set bonus on the pve gear for the lulz.

Fair enough but even in the rank 13 gear you can still have fun. Make it your primary mission to protect your healer and you’ll go far.

I’m just going to get the trinket on both my rogues and bail. Cape upgrade would replace my +3 stealth cape, so it’s hard for me to want to do that. The ring would either replace my +10 energy ring, or my + stealth detect ring, so again, hard to do that… Waist and Bracers I’m going to have T2 of from thunderaan / reals… leaving me with just a necklace I’d want to go for outside of the trinket… Just not worth it to me for something I don’t enjoy. At least they were merciful on the price of the trinket though.

honestly im not a huge fan of it but it can be entertaining sometimes.

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1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s at Gold Mine

Fox - if you are running BM on a rogue… try stealth groups. One rogue opens with a stun and nothing is surviving outside of a paladin with bubble. Sure, Bop can disrupt the killing but just be ready to hard swap.

I have more fun on my rogue then Shaman. lol

still mostly just felt like a suicide group when doing that, granted i think the last time i tried that it was a lvl 40 cap. Any little dot just pretty much ensures the rogues can’t reset. I dunno, just isn’t my thing. Glad if other people like it though, I just wish we’d have gotten something new.