Blood-Soaked Book (Blood Horde book)

Below are screenshots of the Blood Horde book.

The Blood Horde is determined to hold on to their dying lands, that were ruined by the Great and Glorious Alliance and have the view that all that was pure and good was boiled away. The Blood Horde has the mindset of goodness being a weakness and that only the strong survive.

The fate of other Kalimdor natives such as the Tauren and Night elves are not mentioned. So it’s unclear if they were wiped out during the conflict or were able to keep to themselves.


In the time rift where the great glorious alliance appears, the kaldorei and tauren appear as completely fel corrupted


Sounds like the Great and Glorious Alliance essentially plagued Kalimdor to kill the Blood Horde, although the blood Horde survived.
So I imagine that any tauren/nelf remnants died thanks to it becoming a toxic wasteland.


They sound like good enough fellas, can join my MU Horde anytime


I love 'em. They sound like a bunch of Khornite Berserkers and that’s awesome in my book. 10/10 would adopt them all :rofl:


It’s really giving Gary Hellscream at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar.

Also, the G.G.A poisoning the land feels very ‘Matrix’ when humans blotted out the sun. (as in, that was a very stupid idea.)


Why can’t we have this Horde instead of the hippie group from Thrall. They sound rad.


Also seems like a bit of Mad Max influence as well, which is a fun combo


Apart from goblins, we aren’t shown any other races in the Blood Horde. From the sound of it they either never allied with the tauren which means that the centaur wiped them out or the orcs did it themselves. Wouldn’t be surprised if they slaughtered the night elves as well.

There is literally nothing else going on in this timeline but the Alliance and Horde killing each other.

No scourge, no burning legion, no Old Gods, just Team Red and Team Blue having their daily slugfests.



Likely because this Horrde is from a timeline when the factions had no reason to team up. In otherwords events like:

  1. The battle of Hyjal
  2. the strike against the Lich King
  3. the war of the shifting sands


Or the possibility that, with the Alliance and Horde always fighting, the legion was able to win against the Tauren and Night Elves, and subjugate them.

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The Legion never invaded. The Alliance stopped the Scourge.

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well, it is possible but

If true, means the Legion DID invade but was able to win, however these mobs could also be from the timeline with the Legion victorious.


I would imagine that version of Azeroth is nothing but a dead fel infused planet. Unless the legion turned it into a another place to regen demons faster that is

The one with the demons victorious is:


Ah. I haven’t gotten that one yet in game. Thanks for sharing it :smiley:

I pulled it from the WoWhead guide, have not seen in in game myself yet.

The others, with s slight summery, are:
Azmourne: Scourge victory
A.Z.E.R.O.T.H.: King Mechagon’s device went off, no organic life
Azmerloth: normal timeline, just replace everything/everyone with murlocs
Azq’roth: Black Empire Azeroth, only one with the planet stated as being dead
Warlands: The one where the book from this topic comes from
Ulderoth: Titan Azeroth, full of life and order


Has anyone else seen the Night Elves and Tauren in the Warlands? Or was Giru talking about Azewrath?

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I think, at most, it is like if warlands is the main one, the lead up to it might sometimes include the Tauren/Nelves as a mob to kill. As I have seen the fel touched Kaldori in the first part, but I have yet to handle Azewrath as the last bit.

I didn’t see any Draenei either in this timeline…Even in the Glorius Alliance timeline they should have been arriving the azeroth from another planet and also they should have been pro alliance in the war against the orcish horde?..what would have been happened to them? Is that because they landed close to Kalimdor?

Maybe they never landed or even got off Draenor. There’s no Illidan or Blood elves (Scourge got defeated afterall), so there’s no sabotage, but then again they could’ve just all been unable to escape.

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