Blood-Soaked Book (Blood Horde book)

There are no night elves or Tauren NPCs from the warlands. He certainly spoke of the Legion time rift.
Remember that NPCs from two timelines are present.


He may be still imprisoned by Maiev.

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So, do you think these guys will make it past the current patch ? I kinda wish they stick around for a bit instead of a being a Time Rift-exclusive one trick pony. The fact that we face either the Blood Horde or the G G Alliance depending on the faction we play makes me think there could be room for these groups to be involved in some future narrative. I would very much like that, and I’d also like to see what Azeroth looks like in that AU—the toxic wastelands they rule over and all that stuff

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I cannot imagine there is any likelihood of them being used in the story again after this patch. Blizzard barely includes any of the people they’ve already introduced in the current timeline as it is.


What the ick?

These AU’s are hella cringe. Save us Murozond!


Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!


I like it. The Blood Horde sounds like everything I want our Horde to be.


Not really. Though Soridormi does say that they are keeping an eye on Azmourne since the corrupted Ashbringer has more energy to it than our own.

So its possible that while other timelines will just feature in this patch, others could return down the line.

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In a sense: I think IF they want to save Yrel from a “True Villain Bat”, then they could tie her questionable genocidal choices to the idea that the “Dark Portal” in that AU did in fact open but the other way around, and some Warhammer-esque Emperor of Man Anduin Lothar or Varian or otherwise that was Lightforged stepped through a “Light Portal” and strong-armed Yrel into Lightforging the planet or else he’d genocide the Draenei as heretics.

That way:

  1. We save Yrel from a Villain Bat, replaces Turalyon as supreme leader of the Lightforged (WHY IS A HUMAN LEADING DRAENEI)
  2. We show in the narrative that an Orc-less Azeroth devolves into Human-centric genocidal light fascism a la Warhammer
  3. Mid-expansion raid is a giant Cathedral Space Ship fortress which would be absolutley cool and most people would love that aesthetic and the whole “raiding warhammer cathedral spaceship” theme

So while not that specific timeline’s Grand Glorious Alliance, a similar theme.


You might want to read the GGA counter part book (oil soaked log book), it more or less paints the alliance of that time line as a Blue Horde.

This is an alliance that thought the “reasonable” answer to the Horde after the 2nd war (WCII) would have been extermination. This is an alliance that dealt with the Scourge, called the Orcs cowards for fleeing, followed the orcs and attacked them just because “the orcs know nothing but bloodshed”. The GGA is an alliance that forgoes the MUs vision if justice and follows more a might makes right, ones like Anduin and Jaina either don’t exist or are not in any form we would recognize.

This would be an alliance that even ones like me would gladly fight against, as they became the very monsters they claim to be fighting.


I read that too. It is pretty much the wet dream of every MHP.


And the world both paint is not one anyone reasonable would want to live in. Just goes to show that the ones that want the only war to matter is the one that is AvH need to get lost.

The Horde can be edgy, it can be macabre, it can be dark, etc. But that does not mean it has to be evil. The issue is we have writers that can’t really do nuance or gray in their writing when it comes to the faction conflict.

That is for you maybe but my favorite time was when the Horde was actually strong which happened during the Warcraft 2 expansion beyond the dark portal with Ner’zhul(leader of my favorite clan) as warchief. Right now half of the original clans went extinct when we killed the Fel Horde.

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Nothing against strength, but again, that is the fault of the writers. My ideal Horde would indeed be strong but it would not rely on force to get what they want. To use your argument of alliance forces in Horde territory:

Tiragarde Keep-Treaty forces alliance to hand it over to the Horde or dismantle it
Gilnaus-Handed back to the Worgen BUT under the condition it is not used as a staging ground to push into Silverpine and beyond

My favorite vision of the Horde? Thrall’s horde and the Horde Garrosh embodied in Stontalon. Strong enough to get what they want, smart enough to avoid conflict unless there were no other options, honorable enough to respect life and their foes that deserve respect.

The Horde of Draenor was my favorite Horde which is why I remorse the fall of the Fel Horde and most of their clans. I still think Ner’zhul had the right idea about finding a new planet that would put up less resistance against invasion then Azeroth.

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I’m actually kind of curious to know what happened to Anduin in the Warlands timeline given the players fight a gray-haired Varian Wrynn. Did Onyxia kill him as a child when she infiltrated Stormwind? Did Garrosh succeed in killing him during the Pandaria campaign? Was he never born? Or was he an entirely different person from the peace-loving priest of our timeline?

The Warlands will probably be one of these timelines that never gets touched on again and we’ll never know.

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I am glad alliance boss isn’t Doomhammer. He is too cool to be touched by alliance players.


That is even assuming Pandaria was even discovered and that Garrosh even exists, without the factions needing to team up, do they even go to outland? Keep in mind we see: no races aside from Humans, orcs, High Elves, Goblins and Dwarves from that time line.

Or was he killed along side his mother?

Quite possible without the influence of Jaina, as we know her,

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At first I tought the Warlands would be a Epic Battleground Instance but now…Well In the future I would like to play a story line where an allmighty entitiy (maybe Void Lords) banish us to Warlands so we must find a way to get out of there while exploring the planet of some more…See the Stormwind and Orgrimmar (maybe Grommar) of that world…

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All things considered it sounds like a great place to set some battlegrounds in. Sign me up for a summer home there.