Blood Link (Blood Domination Shard Socket Bonus)

The blood link Domination socket set bonus (blood shards) is not working in Sanctum of Domination for me. This should only be a temporary issue for me, as I will eventually be using the Unholy socket bonus, but for now, the blood link simply is not being applied to mobs. It is, however, applying in torghast and the Maw. It seems to be working for other people in the raid. My socket bonus should be rank 2, as I have upgraded all three sockets to rank 2. Furthermore, a rank 1 frost socket shard bonus is working for me when it is equipped.

I’m experiencing this same thing. Rank 2 blood shard set bonus. Within SoD, I get the Blood Link buff, indicating that the set bonus is active, but the debuff almost never applies to anything. Over the course of a whole night in SoD, I had it activate one time for a total of 9 seconds.

This indicates to me that either the proc rate is extremely wrong (like 0.01% instead of 100%), or there’s a bug with the mechanism that ensures that you only have 1 Blood Link active at a time (like maybe it activates on one mob, that mob dies or deaggros, and then it can’t activate on anything else because the limit doesn’t clear).

In any case, the entire set bonus is pretty much completely worthless as it is right now. Hope it gets fixed soon.

I am having the same issue. I have desolate shard of bek, and the other 2 are ominous. The only possible issue i could think of was i bought the 220 item from deaths advance, whereas all the logs i looked at, didn’t have that piece. wondering if the deaths advance piece isn’t configured right? Also to note, It’s not working either in the maw, korthia, or torghast, or raid, despite have the bloodlink “buff” show up

I’m having the same exact issue. I have rank 2 Blood Shards equipped (ominous) and they are in Head, Shoulder and Chest (the slot required to activate the Blood Link). However, the link DOES NOT establishes on targets, even after a boss wipe or my previous target has died. I even tried to remove the set, wait for the Blood Link BUFF to disappear from my own buffs, re-equip the set and then damage my target again, but it continues to NOT apply… It’s very frustrating, since this bonus shoulde be like 5% or more of my damage (according to sims) and it does not work properly, and WHEN it actually applies the Blood Link, it somehow does not last infinitely as it is stated (since the Debuff doesn’t have a duration, so it should work until the target dies).

I guess we are still on PTR or something…

can confirm currently not working properly, wanted to give the bonus a go as it’s the only one I have access to. Played an entire torghast layer 11 and had it proc 2 times total.

Any updates on this? I’m having the same issue.

Having this issue also, tried my shards in all sorts of combinations of sockets, but never got a drop of damage from it. Definitely have the buff on my bar, have tried standing in melee and at range, others in the raid were getting damage done from it, but something is not letting it activate for me.

Logs report at reports/zk8dwhqQfy1bRtmP#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0&source=12

Got news after some testing in The Maw:

It DOES NOT activate using some of my abilitites, but it DOES activate on some others.
The list goes as follows:


  • Frostbolt
  • Ice Lance
  • Blizzard
  • Flurry
  • Frozen Orb
  • Mirrors of Torment (Venthyr ability)
  • Mirror Image (their Frostbolt ability)
  • Melee Attack (yes, I slammed my staff on their faces for the sake of testing)


  • Fire Blast
  • Arcane Explosion
  • Frost Nova
  • Cone of Cold

I didn’t tested other specs, but for some strange reason only my main Frost spells doesn’t put the debuff on a target, which is very odd and gave the strange behavior of only applying at some times, when in reality the spells that ARE applying the debuff I do not use often on a single target enviroment (like a Raid Boss).

Did some testing in Korthia as well and the behavior is the same: main Frost spells doesn’t activate the debuff.

EDIT: Working inside the raid when using the spells I’ve mentioned. Welp, now is up to Blizz to fix it to work on the entirety of my kit.

Can confirm as Veng DH the set feels broken because only Fiery Brand applies the effect.

Any update on this, as I plan to shift to Blood Link once I get my chest domination Slot…

Thank you.

Confirmed, easily replicated following the steps outlined by this user.

Also confirmed this yesterday, added fire blast in to my opener to trigger the effect for the fight, kinda ridiculous

No updates yet… Still broken and only activating on the few mentioned spells.

Well i was hoping with the “mention” of being fixed on the most recent patch notes, that it would have been fixed. However the only time it applys is if i use chaos nova as a havoc demonhunter. Not any other spell. I also got the unholy 3set, and while i get the stacking buff, it really feels like maybe it’s not proccing efficiently for me. on a 6 min fight i got 1 full 15 stack for the explosion and buff. im beginning to think that it might be isolated to our characters, and not something with the buffs themselves.

After more testing, i found out if i switch talents to insatiable hunger, it works correctly when i use demon’s bite, but doesn’t apply by other skills. But if i take demon’s blade(my preferred talent) it only applies on my target when i use chaos nova it will apply correctly in a 1 target hit situation, but if multiple targets are hit it picks a random one and sometimes doesn’t actually do any damage or healing.

can we get some more traction on this, blood set doesnt work at all with frost mage, is it supposed to work like that or can we get it fixed please?

Blood Link appears to still be broken, as the bonus text stays grey as an Outlaw Rogue when I’m in Ardenweald and Oribos, but turns green when I’m in the Maw.

I can confirm, and extend. Neither the blood shard bonus Blood Link nor the unholy bonus Chaos Bane is working. No matter which blood shard I socket in any of the 5 pieces, the set bonus will not activate unless I’m in the maw (including Korthia). The same is true for the unholy bonus. Doesn’t activate anywhere else, including SOD.

hasnt worked since launch, reported week 1 no word and fix from blizz.
I think they have truly all clocked out.
If this isnt fixed befor the end of the week im unsubbing, if the devs dont even give a fk why should i.