Still bugged as of 12/30/2015. You'd think after 8 months they could fix a darned bug!
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Still bugged as of 1/30/16 - this, as well as the other bugged quests, are DISGUSTING. They aren't new bugs for crying out loud.
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same on blackwater raiders what a waste of time this has been reported many times , they just ignore us and wonder why people quit the game many other quests in outlands have not worked fo well over a year now
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still bugged as of today on dawnbringer - madoran
Still broken.
It has been a year and still this isn't fixed? I'm level 70 and all I see is the dead emaciated and no respawns after a good hour now.
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March 28, 2017, 2 YEARS later, this is still bugged! C'mon Blizzard show us that you care about our money even if you don't care about us!
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Still not spawning for me either, just a bunch of emaciated felblood corpses. It's been about a week now.
april the 3rd 2016... still broken... amazing.
Attempted to do the quest today, still bugged. No Felblood Initiates have spawned in ~45 minutes
Seems that maybe we should all start telling Blizzard that we want discounts to our monthly subscriptions for the parts of this game that do not work! Start a large in game protest? Demonstrate? Organize? Seems that if people become the squeaky know the rest of the saying.
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Seems that maybe we should all start telling Blizzard that we want discounts to our monthly subscriptions for the parts of this game that do not work! Start a large in game protest? Demonstrate? Organize? Seems that if people become the squeaky know the rest of the saying.....and to add to the ineptness of Blizzard.....this toon, Quidnunnc, in game, is not a blood elf! LOL It's an undead that I've had for years.
5/17/2016 - Still bugged. No Emaciated Felbloods are spawning. I even used CRA to change servers ( knowing i would't get credit in a raid but to see other servers.) and nothing on any of the many servers I checked. How do we get a MOD to acknowledge the issue?
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- Submitted a Ticket too - (As I would assume all/most of you guys have already in the ALMOST year that this has been an issue.)
May 29th, 2016 still not working. On my 70 twink grinding rep and I can't complete this quest. Frustrating!
Saturday, 06/04/2016 5:30pm server time - Still bugged
Still appears to be bugged.
Still bugged
Two years and counting. Still bugged. Way to go.
Daily reminder. Still bugged.