Blood Elves

Youre right, edited for clarification

You can stop with the whataboutism. We’re discussing something else.

If the Goblins were given to the Alliance, how would you feel?

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I answered the goblin part, but I thought lorderon was part of the alliance.

You’re attempting to draw a parallel between High elves joining the Horde with Goblins joining the Alliance but aren’t willing to acknowledge the variables that set the parallels apart? If the circumstances were the same, and the horde tried to kill the remaining goblins I would not be surprised if they joined the Alliance.


Answer the question. If Goblins were a race made to the Alliance, how would you feel?

This is a loaded question in some weak attempt at pointing out a logical fallacy.
The goblins and blood elves have various reasons for why they are working for the Horde.
Same for the worgen etc etc.

As it stands, the lore says why pretty high elves are on the horde.


It wouldn’t make sense because of the differences I pointed out…


But I did answer lol

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Put all that aside and just answer the question.

Yes, I would disagree with them joining the Alliance.


Interesting. Why wouldn’t you be okay with that?

You conveniently left out the part where Not all Quel’dorei renamed themselves Sin’dorei or changed allegiance.


What? This is unclear.

Because the Horde has always had friendly relations with the goblins?

Any other reasons?

Silver Covenant Quel’dorei are a organized faction that we know of for now that proves this.

And this debate continues on.

Alright I’m grabbing popcorn.


I see what you mean, and no it wasn’t left out.
Not all the HIgh elves renamed themselves, but the silver covenant existed solely to oppose the sun reavers and that has been phased out essentially.

Anyway, I am going to eat popcorn

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Besides the Goblins hate/adversary to all Gnomes, nope.


I don’t think he cares about your answer anymore because you didn’t give him the one he wanted.

But yes, long story short, as some have said.

Are they the same? Yes.
Are there major differences between them? Besides the side the majority follows, no.
Also, as it’s been pointed, they did not siphon fel, the green was due to proximity to fel crystals.
Every High elf, including those that no longer use that name have ties with the Sunwell.
And the kingdom itself only was working with the Alliance because the previous king felt he had a debt to pay and as soon as that was done, they left the Alliance. Those NPCs on Alliance side are mere remnants.