Blood elves were cooler back in the day

Right, the void elves are acting in character. They said nobody tells us what to do! And then left, and took any port in the storm. If the Alliance shows up in their rift and says, OK weirdos this is too dangerous time to stop messing around with the void!, then there is no way the void elves should accept that.

The Night Elves mending fences with the Highborne is one of the biggest failures of the narrative, IMO. Not that they couldn’t do something like that and have it work, but its a failure because they did NOTHING with it. It should have been a really cool/semi-major lore development but it was just “oh this happened” and people could make NE mages. Like, ok…


Interestingly enough the alliance doesn’t care so much what the void elves do. There’s the whole “if your magic gets out of hand we’ll put you down” message that various alliance individuals say at the start of the game for void elves, but by the time the fourth war is going on, there’s practically no oversight at all. Void elves can do whatever they want to win battles. And now we’ve got Eredar in the alliance too. Interesting how different things are in that regard compared to earlier.

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has there been any connection between demon hunters and blood elf society since legion? I feel like night elven culture is heavily opposed to manipulation of the fel (maybe different now that warlocks are among them) however it seems like demon hunters could be a bridge for more interesting developments with blood elves.

As for the yellow eye thing mentioned, they also have green eye option, so if its following the same trend then there are some among them who embrace different sources of power still.

Having Turalyon vouch for them because of his GF went a long way with the Alliance, I guess.


You know if i’m being honest i prefer Turalyon as our leader over Anduin. I miss Varian the most, but Turalyon is cool.

I never really think of the DHs as a bridge to anything but misery. Their whole motif is that they’ve sacrificed everything, but its not just a meme, the thing they sacrificed is the ability to ever be free of torment. In the game world there would likely never be someone who looked at a DH and thought, “Yeah, thats cool”.

weren’t a few of the bloodelves directly near the sunwell during the raid fel infused yet still retained other forms of magic?

I think the nightborne could be the most viable race for dh expansion, given their affinity to magic and probably odd physiological damage they have suffered from their past addictions.

The nightborne and blood elf alliance has huge implications in terms of raw power development / innovation, especially given their peoples shaky past potentially offering test subjects. I mean the orcs were mildly successful using fel magic, maybe even extremely successful if you look at shadowmoon valley. If they need a weapon in eastern kingdoms and they’re morally against another plague maybe fel magic with nightborne assistance is possible.

But why would anyone sign up for being a DH?

There’s a whole new font of energy for the mana addicts to potentially abuse.
I’d think even the name “demon” in hunter could be less important given how they’ve kept fighting azeroths enemies even if there’s little hint at demonic activity, although maybe they knew there were nathrezim in the shadowlands.

Not necessarily implying they will just start training hundreds of DH on their own, but if they can find a way of using fel/anima maybe there’s a whole new branch of magic the nightborne and blood elves tap into

They have a literal demon soul in eternal combat with their own soul within them, keeping them in perpetual agony and torment.

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They were always portrayed as vain, morally grey people who could and would do terrible things.

Your opinion of them doesn’t really translate to their lore, their quests, their dialogue… literally anything in game.


I thought they were soulless / their soul was no longer within them?
I remember illidan being unique in the sense that he consumed gul’dans or something of the matter? But there was a point made where he was a completely unique case but I could be getting what the others are completely wrong.

90% of people that attempt to consume the demon soul as part of the ritual lose the battle and die. Those that survive battle continually forever, and when they take “demon form” they’re harnessing / letting the demons soul come to the surface.

I’d think the nightborne would be a perfect crew of test subjects for new age sunwell juiced demon hunters. Bolster their resolve by fulfilling their addiction then throw them in the ringer with a demon soul, worst case they die, but they were probably a husk before the sunwell anyways so if its the same person offering both “gifts” its a bit of give and take.

I’d like to know what that spoiling was. It definitely wasn’t the copy pasta stuff nor the jewelry.


This would greatly alter the motif of the class and push them into the thematic space occupied by death knights.

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sinful brand was hella cool, I guess it was the slowing of an enemies life energies/anima within them. Probably the most interesting form of shadowlands DH gifts.

Them being evil wouldn’t make sense since they experienced so much heart ache and death with their people. I can’t imagine them not being empathetic when it comes to others suffering when they know suffering themselves.

Does the game deserve it? Plays pretty fast and loose with story.

When you’re fighting for survival and are threatened from all sides, you quickly become very ruthless, even hateful and thirsty for revenge. Apart from that, the influence of Fel magic kills any positive emotions, especially empathy. It literally makes evil.

Of course, one can say that the Sunwell is now countering this. But that makes the blood elves very boring.