Blood elves were cooler back in the day

Now they are lame and pray to the light.

What happened to the sinister B L O O D elves


They were never sinister. Or no more sinister than any other race. If you read or pay attention to the lore…


They were clearly inspired to be reminiscent of Dark Elves(Warhammer) to stand opposite of the nature loving night elves.

Even the current offical site they look so bland compared to the tbc version.

TBC cinematic showed them as this visually appealing elf but actually sinister/ dark in nature.


Comparing them to another games lore is not valid or matter at all…


Not all Belves pray to the light. Just those dedicated to it. Mainly Paladins.


Badum tssss.

Also all the blood elf quest in bloodmyst isles or your own blood elf quest in Quel’thalas

You would think but even lorthermar is high on the light.

Blood elves being lead by a Warrior is dumb.


Low effort posts…is this what general is now. Can you at least quote or show some real effort…


Think we need another reason for the Blood Elves to show their brutal side. Maybe another Elf vs. Troll war.

Lor’themar is a Ranger.


Low effort cause you’re just wrong.

The blood elves are decedent of Highborne that refused to be told what magic they could use( Azshara followers) they were always sinister.

Them being a bunch of light praising losers is lame and shows how far they’ve fallen from grace.


Wow and still can’t actual quote any official statements from blizzard…trolling or low effort…hmmm

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Considering it’s pretty much only Paladins that do that, it’s no big deal.

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Blood elves but being lead by a Magi is blasphemy.

I need a quote from blizzard to explain offical lore lmao.

Chronicle page like 15 or 16 my dude.

This is the first offical blood elf Paladin concept art and youre trying to gaslight me to claim they weren’t this way when orginally revealed

How have the blood elves done nothing with the dark animus?


Stop trolling.

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It’s trolling to point out the rememants of Highborne being lead by a non mage isn’t flat out terrible story telling.

Thankfully First Arcanist Thallysra exist.

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Rangers were very common among all elves. Yes it is trolling. You are either purposefully obtuse or very ignorant.


Sylvanas novel pointed out how they weren’t really appreciated among their society.

Her mother had respect but the rest of them were treated like commoners

Sylvanas’ novel is fan fiction trying to wedge itself into longstanding lore. The rangers helped protect Silvermoon. Sylvanas was our Ranger General. Lor’themar was her second in command. The Farstriders still live in Silvermoon. Try again.

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Glares at blood elf priests

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