Blood elves were cooler back in the day

I did think Kael’tha’s Fel-siphoning, mana-sucking, Naaru-stealing Blood Elves were the most interesting version.

They’ve kinda lost their teeth, lol.


I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind them being revisited in lore. Things need a shake up. Or maybe a path to us getting Felblood appearances.

Hey, just because I go to work every day, am asleep by ten, have a kid, and a mortgage doesn’t mean I’m not cool and edgy anymore. I’m just responsibly cool, and reasonably edgy.



Also there’s tons of flavor text in Eversong and Ghostlands that highlights the Magisters don’t agree with the Rangers.

No it absolutely is fan fiction. When everything in game goes against it.

Elves always don’t agree with each other. That is the default way of being.


" Now you can see how the THE LIGHT serves us"

Blood elf priest and paladins weren’t pawns of the Light

This is from a level 6 blood elf priest quest.

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Ah ok fair enough

They were never cool tbh

Just a bunch of nearly extinct failures who wanted to doom themselves

You randomly link the eye color thing for what reason.

It doesn’t change the point of my post.

Current blood elves aren’t cool, they suck.

They’re a bunch of light worshiping losers with no edge lead by some Neanderthal with no Magical talent.

Your whole thing here is that we all ended up worshipping the light. The lead for narration in this game says that’s not true.


Lorthermar on multiple occasions praising the light.

The entire void elf story line is cause blood elves, BLOOD ELVES are afraid of spooky magic.

The existence of liadrin and her retcon how she was a priest that believed in the light, now praises it

There was even that one blood elf that still wanted to Siphon light magic but was painted as wrong.

Blood elves have gone soft and that’s my point. Idc about eye color

If you just look at previous blood elf art and look at modern ones you see the tone shift so apparent.


That still doesn’t make it all Blood Elves. That’s what you are missing. Good luck on your next attempt. You have nothing.

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So because the random blood elf warlocks and death knights don’t praise the light my point is moot.

Ignoring the entire cultural shift that is painting them as light elves basically.

It’s not an entire cultural shift. It was just a way to give us Paladins during TBC.

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Okay and then the wrote blood elves away from their orginal depiction.

That’s The Point Of My Thread.

They’re being pushed away from what they were orginally depicted as.

Blood elves a society that didn’t want to be told by their cousins what type of magic they can or can’t use is now afraid of a specific magic and telling their cousins they can’t use it.

If you want an edgy blood elf, just play a void elf.
They still have some edge left to them. Not much, but some is still there.

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So the whole problem here with you is that we pushed Velves out? lol.


It got bad before that.

Being lead by an oaf with no magical talent.
The whole reason the blood knights exist is because the light failed them, blood elves were ruined in the conclusion of the sun well patch.

Where they forgave the Light because they restored the Sunwell when the light failure is the reason it was lost in the first place.

Well the good thing is you don’t have to be a Blood Elf. You seem to not like the race much, so much so that you’ll make up stuff about them. So just stay an Orc.

It was lost to the Legion and Arthas, who wasn’t failed because of the light. He was corrupted after going down a dark road already due to a zombie outbreak.