Blood Elves need San'layn options!

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:I’m dying I must have watched that 13 times

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Blood Elf Blood DKs are san’layn, and except for the red eyes they have all that customization.

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Which thread?

Anything else besides brown skin and teal eyes would be welcome…

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If they do this though, we need fangs and claws as well. Just red eyes and pale skin would be so disappointing and annoying. The San’layn we’ve seen aside from the stupid re-used blood elf DK and dark ranger models have fangs and claws -.-

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Well I do think if this customization came out DKs should get access to it too just for the red eyes alone.

The high elf one for some reason lol.

In addition to the horde aligned San’layn that the alliance fight in their war campaign there are some you can see (less prominently) on the horde side. During the quest where you’re out in the middle of the ocean where you find Jaina’s brother’s body there’s actually another ship (maybe 2?) besides the banshee’s wail (the one you start on). If you go to the other horde ship before you down to the bottom of the ocean you’ll see that it’s actually full of sanlayn.

To answer the OP, I think it’d be an awesome addition and quite frankly way more exciting than darker skins tones. I think the dark skins are perfectly fine but i’ll be disappointed if that’s all most the races get. If that’s all they add it’s kind of (imo) redefining the definition of “race” in wow context to more closely match how it’s definied IRL, which makes things bland to me.

Now if in addition to the darker skin tones some of the races also got skin tones that gave greater WoW racial representation on top of the IRL ethnic representation I think they’d really be capitalizing on the exanded customization they’re adding.

Personally I’m super hyped for desert troll, dark troll, and possibly even forest troll skins for my many many troll toons. I’d love for other people to be just as hyped for additional options where they can fit it in.

A few that already have the lore in place would be:

Sanlayn for blood elves

Undead Night Elves (some left the horde and went with Calia in the after math of the war)

Frostborn for dwarves

Others could have some cool options that would need a little more story telling

Eredar for Draenei (the lore could have something to do with where velen has been this whole xpac possibly? They could have a story that somewhat parallels the orcs?)

Leper Gnomes (I’m not actually sure on their standing with other gnomes rn so maybe they’ve already made up, but if not could play into the union between gnomeregan and mechagon

Gilgoblins and Taunka would work fine lorewise but since I think they have different geometry for the models as opposed to just different textures i’m not sure if that’d be too “out of spirit” with the rest of the options/changes.

Can’t really think of anything for worgen that’s not really out there lorewise. Only thing that comes to mind is Night Elf worgen. So they’d have a Night Elf “human” form and the worgen form would have more purple, blue, and green hues and maybe unique markings.

Not really an alternate “race” skin but I think it’d be cool if Forsaken had a “ghost” option. It would use the same models but just have an entereal/spirit type texture.

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lol, i should create a game about elves and get rich!
The game would be all about character customization and dressing room.

  • Create your character
  • Create your armor
  • Take screenshots
  • Send screenshots to your friends
  • Ask for donations

One of the impossible dungeon scenario:
Get across the corridor without looking at your reflection in one of the many pretty mirrors on the wall. If you look into the mirror, you die!

If someone survive the dungeon, they are shamed and forced to delete their character while streaming the scene to the whole Interwebz.

WoE or World of Elves
$45/month, only available on your phone.

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I agree! Customization options have so much potential to realize lots of RP desires that ARs would never be able to fill, simply because there are too many to all become ARs.

I’m not sure if you’ll get yelled at for spam since I have a thread going but technically mine has been mostly about them becoming an Allied Race. However I think if they do it well, customization would be pretty neat. So I’ll leave my idea here for it:

This way we get lore tidbits without dedicating a huge questline that would get people to complain. It’d answer some questions that are holes in lore too.

Finally, this concept of short unlockable customizations, just some quests for flavor lore, could apply to many things people would enjoy.


Good idea! I’d like it if some of the more prominent customization options like Wildhammers (or if they did San’layn) got some sort of small story bit to go along with it. Not all customization options will need it, but established groups that are somehow culturally or magically unique should get some lore to go with it.

And to your first point, I didn’t think it would be spam since your thread is about an AR. Don’t get me wrong, an AR would still be cool! But I’ll take what I can get :grin:.

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In case no one got back to you, only the Alliance interact with the Horde San’layn. Horde players never interact with or know they exist, but clashing with them is a big part of the Alliance’s war campaign beginnings.

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Yeah, that’s why I couldn’t find it. I was looking for where it made sense. Thanks.

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i have a theory that some of those blue eyes are for blood elves but, ion the lawyer tricks ya by using specific verbiage, when in fact, they are for san’layn, who use the thalassian model but are not blood elves, they’re san’layn. its a surprise. i think. and kael’thas will be your faction leader. you’ll have light blue, red and funky yellow/orange bat eyes. maybe black

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It’s certainly possible, but how do you think they would explain blue eyes on San’layn? Spirit magic or something?

Oh yes, trust me I don’t think it is either. I just have seen cases where both people will get yelled at cause ‘same topic’ but yes I agree with you entirely.

And yeah, not all customization would need it, but for San’layn I think they would because there’s holes left in BfA as to where they were. This would apply to other races too that could be splinter groups and act like Death Knights, Demon Hunters, or Forsaken, in which they uniquely fight FOR Azeroth.

Also, like I keep saying, there’s never been a confirmed number of San’layn anywhere in game, and we’ve seen there’s more being made, so the ‘less than [x] race’ thing is wholly inaccurate without actual date.


Yea, I don’t think we should assume that a lack of screentime equals non-existence.

I was convinced from the Alliance perspective that all of the undead Night Elves were killed in Darkshore. We never see the quests where Horde are actually raising them from the dead, it seems like it is just Sira and Delaryn from Nathanos and the Val’kyr raising them. Yet when I finally did the Horde quests, there is suddenly a whole group of unnamed ones out of the blue following Calia off to Deathknell.

So while it is true that Blood Prince Dreven and a handful of San’layn died in the Alliance campaign, no where does it try to claim that all San’layn are now dead. I have a hard time seeing Blizzard flush all that lore down the drain for one Alliance BFA questline.

Also, we can’t forget scale. Everything in WoW is representative of a larger number. A single example of San’layn could easily represent 100 or more individuals.