Blood Elves need San'layn options!

Doesn’t make sense.

We killed the Prince, not all of them though. We see them mixed in with the Dark Rangers in the 8.3 Calia story (Horde side).

The squad in that quest was 100% Night Elves, not a San’layn in sight. A few of them were male though, which might’ve thrown you off.

No, there was very clearly female San’layn in there. Blood Elf model and all. Most were undead Night Elves yes, but not everyone.

To go into a little bit more detail, the Alliance war campaign teaches us that Sylvanas had employed a squad of San’layn of various classes and background, being lead by a blood prince. I think his name was Drevin.

A conversation takes place between Talanji and Rokhan that the Alliance player character listens in on involving how Talanji doesn’t trust the San’layn. But that Rokhan feels if they need a home and can prove their worth, they’ll find a home in the Horde.


There’s less of them than HE’s.

So that’s an automatic no from Blizzard.

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Me too I want that red eye on my pally

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There’s a single Blood Elf ranger there, her name is Kitala Starshadow, a very standard Dark Ranger who formerly acted as Derek’s guard while he was being tortured.

None of the elves present have the skintone, height, or other physical features that would indicate being San’layn.

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just. let. me. look. wretched. blizz. we. don’t. need. san’layn. we. got. lore.



After San’layn allied race your suggestion is the second best option by far…
but i fear we are not going to neither because blizzard just love teasing us -_-

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I really like the white hair suggestion.


The alliance campaign has them joining the horde and doing some stuff to prove there loyalty. You can see the same npcs on the horde campaign with the boats where we retrieve Derek’s body. They are shown as friendly units : )

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I’m all for San’layn and Dark Ranger looks.


That’s amusing, but that poor Gnome. :smile:

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nah man i want real san layn

im finna suck some blood you feel me

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Honestly with Kael’thas coming back and us trying to save him in Castle Nathria. He could possibly be allowed to come back to Azeroth and maybe find the San’layn who were originally his most devout followers. Blood Queen Lana’thel was even his right hand follower until her and the rest of the the blood elves that followed him to Northrend were turned into the San’layn. So Kael could probably call upon them to join him and rejoin the horde under his guidance.

Considering the scourge will be unleashed and have no master to control them at all, the San’layn could be a valuable ally to the horde to help control the undead and protect horde settlements.

Definitely would prefer San’layn over Venthyr.


humans need necromancer face paints.


Even if you want to call her a Dark Ranger instead of San’layn, that is still the look I want to play. And as they said, it’s our choice of how to RP our characters.

Why not open up this much requested one as a customization option? I don’t think the full AR with a Blood Elf model will happen after Drevin’s death and the Dark Rangers shifting to a Night Elf thing. A customization option is the perfect fit, just like with Wildhammers.

I think they could easily swing San’layn as an Allied Race. I mean examples of pretty simple reskins: Mag’har, Highmountain Tauren, Dark Iron Dwarf, Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves.

Undead fresh tones, darker hair colors favoring red, white, and black. Bat like ears, sharpened finger nails, fangs, red eyes, gothic piercings and hair styles.

Could even add interesting racials like a partial feral mode where their ears and claws become more feral – eyes radiate a red aura and a blood red aura radiates from them like a silhouette. A batform/Bat swarm 60% flight speed option like monks get from the trainer.


This was on a MMOC thread:

(Sorry, no TL3!)