Blood Elf & Void Elf shaman

It makes no sense… but everyone wants all the classes and races to mesh… so lore gets thrown out the window.

We will have more choices and new race/combinations. The new race -Dracthyr has only one available class. More race/class combinations it’s a really good deal.

Depends really.

Ok? Both factions get it.

I don’t care if they add it, but doesn’t take away the fact that I believe they’re moronic and don’t make sense… so I personally would never change to it, you being it wouldn’t change anything for me.

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Elves should’ve been shamans long ago :sun_with_face:

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If I could add them in the game - sure :blush:

How the h*** did I not see that, lol. Blizz just non-stealthed added new elves and I somehow missed it. Ugh, these old eyes. :older_man: :eyes: They distracted me with somewhat, dragon race.

Sneaky Blizz. Very sneaky.

EDIT: I’d be more interested in them if they had access to all playable races as their humanoid version so I could be a dragon Orc.

I am not particularly interested in that. I kinda enjoy the difference between some races preferring nature magic while others tend towards order/holy magic. WoW will probably go the direction of allowing us to be everything, and for the most part I like that, but some classes like Druids and Shamans always felt like they required something more, like a native connection to either nature or the elements.

It’s not entirely out of the realm of possibilities though, the High Elves could have learned from the Wildhammer Dwarves considering how close those living outside of human cities got to them and after the Blood Elves reopened their city to any Quel’dorei pilgrims, they could have taught the Sin’dorei as well.

The only magical taboo with blood elves is the void because it threatens their drug supply. Shamanistic and Druidic magic aren’t taboo. They are inferior in their minds. Why beg an elemental to let you throw lava at things when you can manipulate arcane magic yourself to do it?

Better solution. Open everything to everyone…except the elves. :japanese_goblin:

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I hope not, tbh Nelf shamans make a lot more sense.

They already have a BE elemental shaman in the lore. Also, BE paladins bend the light to their will, shamans could do the same or the BE Shamans could have been part of the Longstriders( BE Hunters who never became addicts). It can be done. Also, they let goblins be shamans… goblins…

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