Blood Elf & Void Elf shaman

I think this will be a great addition to the game .
Or I am the only one interested?

The Blood elves master the Arcane / light magic .
The Void elves master the Void / Arcane magic.
They are one of the most powerful magic races on Azeroth. There shouldn’t be a magic taboo to them.


I mean the word is that they’re working towards all classes for all races. So, yeah. One day.


WoW is probably headed in that direction.

I’m not interested, personally. There’s already too many elves in the game.


I don’t think it’s a taboo, more that they don’t “listen to the spirits” and “consider it primitive”, I believe.

That said, I don’t know why Nelves haven’t gotten Shamans besides original WoW flavor decisions.

Nelves have close contact with numerous Shamanic races, live in a fairly “primitive” manner, and have recently become very familiar with fire…


I will be so excited if this happens one day :blue_heart::heart::purple_heart:

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I would rather they just add more good looking cool races than add more class combos. The only reason people play belf is because they are the only humanish good looking race on horde side. It was added in tbc bc the faction imbalance was pretty big.

Now around 1/3 of all players on horde play belf. We need more attractive races on both sides

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Starion inside one of the elemental platforms @ [28.0, 57.4]:

How can I help you, <handsome/gorgeous>?

Gossip Look! Behind you! A mirror!

Elementalist Starion says: A mirror? How wonderful!

(Proceeds to kill him sadly due to the quest objective)

Blood elves have been shaman since Cata in the twilight cult. I found the interaction with Starion funny xD. I wish he came back as a zombie.


All race/class combos gogogo

Sooner the better, but who knows how long their timeline for all of them being unlocked will take.


Shamans are an orc/horde thing back then

Night elves didn’t like orcs cutting trees down in warcraft III

Why would they learn as they call it “primitive” magic when they prefer druidic magic

Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides, Part One

The ancient night elf empire was one of the greatest mortal civilizations that ever spanned the lands of Azeroth. At its apex, one figure held sway over it all. Her name was Azshara. She was a leader of leaders, a queen of queens. Her power was absolute, and her thirst for knowledge and glory was unquenchable.

Of the records that speak of Azshara, nearly all mention her bejeweled scepter called Sharas’dal. The legends claim it granted the queen command over the world’s seas, among other miraculous feats. So cherished was this scepter that Azshara rarely let it out of her sight.

It was with her when she raised the night elf empire to new heights. And it was with her when she later brought the civilization crashing down in blood and fire.

Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides, Part Four

Queen Azshara’s enchanted scepter afforded her great power. Imbued with the Well of Eternity’s potent waters, it held sway over the rivers and the seas, aquatic creatures of all kinds, and the life energies that stirred within Azshara herself. She granted it a new name, one befitting its remarkable properties: Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides.

One of the first things Azshara did with Sharas’dal was use its power to enhance her legendary beauty. As the years wore on, the queen seemed to grow younger and more mesmerizing. A brilliant aura enveloped Azshara, enthralling those who looked upon her. The Highborne marveled at this strange phenomenon. A few even took it as a sign of divinity.

Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides, Part Nine

From a fragmented text called The Song of Scales, author unknown:

""They drifted into the abyss, but Azshara and her Highborne remained unbroken.

""The darkness around them was absolute, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to bring them light. It did.

""Azshara’s and the Highborne’s blood ran cold, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to warm them. It did.

""Their lungs burned for air, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to let them breathe the water… but it did not. The scepter could not save them. Oblivion spread its arms and beckoned the desperate Highborne.

""As the ocean crushed the life from their bodies, ancient creatures stirred in the darkness. Their whispers flowed through the currents. Their powers wrapped tight around the queen and her servants.

""The Highborne became something new. Something more.

““A fleece of scales shimmered over their skin. Tails thrashed against the currents. The unknown entities made the queen and her followers one with the sea… they made them into the naga.””

The Restoration shaman artifact is a night elf artifact. And the night elves are shamans as naga. So there is an unexplored connection with them and the elements.

We see the night elves/highborne experimenting with elementals and summoning them in Surumar/ and in Nazjatar in the lab. So I would say they are lore plausible, and it’s more of a lost art from Azshara’s reign. It also explains Naga shamans and there past history when they were night elves.


Scepter of the tides was made with the waters of the well of eternity

Well of eternity prior to legions corruption was pure arcane power

All that power queen azshara came from arcane magic not water elements

Yup. Yet it’s still a shaman legendary artifact. Wow has much lore connecting mages and shamans.

She is an orc shaman, who learned mage magic from the forsaken and uses both lightning and frost magics.

Shamans have mage connections in lore, both use elementals. Azshara herself is a powerful mage, yet restoration shamans use her magic scepter. The Naga became shamans. So night elves had the capability and similar magics already.


Because it was used full potential after the shaman player gets it

But when queen azshara used it, she didn’t become a shaman, cause it’s not even tied to elemental planes at her time of usage

It has nothing to do with being a magic taboo. It’s simply that they would have to work with the elementals. The goblins have a contract with some of them.

There would need to be some storyline for the Belfs to somehow make a connection with some of the elementals. I’d say they’d go for a whole, “we can benefit each other and make each other more powerful.”

Velfs… that’s a whole different scenario. We have Dark Shaman, but the rest of the elementals would flip their kids if mortals decided it was okay again to enslave and corrupt elementals again. So I’m not sure how they’ll justify that one.

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She wasn’t a shaman technically but she did use it to control beings of water.

Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides, Part Five

An excerpt from Glory to the Queen Born of Stars:

""Of the wonders our queen brought to this world, perhaps none was so great as Lathar’Lazal. As masons constructed the temple, Azshara shaped the waters around it with the Scepter of Tides. She spoke the names of the rivers and the seas, and they moved at her command. Salt water from the roaring ocean and fresh water from the mountain streams trickled to Azshara’s side. With the flick of her wrist, the queen partitioned them into great lakes that hugged Lathar’Lazal’s sturdy foundation.

““Creatures of all kinds populated these waters, and they were at Azshara’s beck and call. Whenever she walked the bridges of Lathar’Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar’Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits.””

And most lore characters tend to multiclass. Obvsiously Azshara learned a bunch of water magics, it sort of crosses with frost magics that Mages learn. And her people are shamans as well. So Azshara could be considered a hybrid. Mages in real lore tend to learn all sorts of magics, it’s just gameplay limitations.

I see night elves as viable elementalists/primalists/ battle mages. You see them casting lightning bolts in Wailing Caverns too, shaman spells.

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That still disregards their connection to other races, like Furbolgs, that use Shamanic magic.

It’s not just Orcs.

When Kul Tiran humans can be shamans … The elves should be able to do it tough…even better.

I vote yes. Or Druid. Druids are magical

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No just stop.

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That will be the day I drop Priest like a bad habit and tell the Shadow Devs that they can do whatever they want to the class, which is to say “continue to do nothing”. Perfect alignment with Lacryma’s story though.

A former Twilight Cultist goes Shaman? Where do I sign up?