Blood Elf RP on MG?

Hiya! Currently wondering what is the RP situation for Blood Elves on the server. I had recently transferred my paladin over here and was wondering if I can place him/her somewhere since his/her TRP is currently in progress.

If there is BE RP guilds, lemmeeee know!


The RP for the Horde is on MG in abundance, blood elves included. I cant speak for any guilds specifically for the blood elves, as I myself dont know any. But as far as RP in general goes, you can always try Orgrimmar or Silvermoon. The latter ive seen many elves at. Hope that helps!

The Pheonix Legion is an active BeLF focused rp guild: <The Phoenix Legion> (H-RP) Blood Elf Military RP


Another place to meet up with the Horde RP community is the new Horde Vanguard discord:


Hi there, I’m the GM of the Phoenix Legion. We are a Blood Elf only military guild. If you’re interested you can check out our recruitment post. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!