Blood Elf or Nightborne Priest?

They’re both very pretty, but I prefer how mogs look on BE. Those Nightborne racial tho.

Choices, choices… :thinking:

Blood Elf priest.

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I think Tauren make lovely Priests. Pandaren too.


i vote nightborne cause blefs are to overplayed.

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I love Taurens but the way helms look on them is so fugly.

Love Pandarens too, but I can’t play one for extended periods of time. ideky

Nightborne, we’re the bestest.

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my vote goes to nightborne, their purple skin, and various hair colours look fantastic in purple mogs! plus, if your on an rp realm, you get to talk about elune! :smiley:

Are exceptionally awful. What are you talking about??

I like the 20 sec snare and mailbox on a 10 min CD. :woman_shrugging:

Hmm, yeah i suppose to be fair. Priest are really lacking in the snare department. So i guess Priests are the one class that Arcane Pulse is actually useful for. It’s only 12 seconds though, not 20. And on the GCD.

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For some reason, I thought it was 20. I must be drunk.

Neither. Paladin is Blizzards favorite class. Always has been and always will be. So that…

There is a mailbox nearly everywhere. I think blood elf has the better racial. You can get a mailbox toy 4hr cooldown and if you are an engineer you can have another one 1hr cooldown.

Paladins and Warlocks. :rofl: I do have a Paladin at max level, but I find Ret kinda boring and I will go Holy only if they remove Holy Power, so I’m not maining her this expansion.

Also true.

What’s the toy called?

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I agree so much. Ret is soooooo boring. MoP Ret was changed and I never forgave Blizzard for it.

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Thank you!

Belf racial is supreme.

Nightborne are the superior race.

As much as I don’t want to endorse Blood elves, they are the prettier of the two.