Blood Elf or Nightborne Priest?

Nb males suffer from the same problems that nelf males have–goofy proportions and poor face options. At least nelf males can rock a respectable beard.

But if you plan on playing a female character, go Nb. Summon mailbox op.

Pandaren Priest <3

Go with which ever has better casting animations and looks better in gear. Both will play the same.

I personally can’t stand the NE/NB jump animations.

What NB racial? The 1% spell dmg? Not worth. Blood elf all the way.

I vote Nightborne. The mailbox does come in handy when the toy is on cooldown. I miss my nightborne, I swapped to alliance before cross faction was a thing but i dont want to spend the money to swap back. If you have the Suramar guard toy from legion TW, the cool down is less as a nightborne. You’ll get to run around more yelling “an illusion what are you hiding” :joy:


I was talking more about the snare and mailbox. Comments here are making me change my mind though. Not to mention I was just in the wowhead’s dressing room and BE looks so good in cloth. :face_holding_back_tears:

As a BE lover since W3 I can tell you that the thing is defined between 2 racials (since both races are fabulous!), do you want 1% more permanent crit or do you want to be able to summon a personal mail? Answering that question will give you the most appropriate race for you between the two.

Personally I think that the NB female are better than the BE, if that helps you XD (Lor’thermar is a wise man)

The snare’s dispellable, does no damage, and is not worth pushing even as a priest. The mailbox – eh, whatever.

Nah. Belf. 1% crit, belf racial for the extra resource, and hip value.

After all – look at me. And how delicious I look.

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Yeah, ok. I’m sold on BE. :innocent: Thank you!

Tauren female casting animation is trash.

Agreed. And so nice of you to say so.

Twisting my words!

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I like both but I think I may prefer blood elves because I like their casting animations better.

Female nightbourne have better casting animations out of the sexes but male and female belf have great animations.

I also like how the magical mutation made them smaller where the nightbournes did not.

I actually was a BE priest when I made the character in BC and I race changed in Legion when I got the chance.

You can see my final pick for your question.