It’s Blood Elf…gnomes we need.
Short and to the point!
It’s Blood Elf…gnomes we need.
Short and to the point!
me me me me, this game is not just about you, about what you like and what you need.
Do you don’t realize other people might do that? if we get dwarves druid instead by example, more people will open up to dwarves
Sadly the whining and begging that the elf fanbase does in this foruns is polluting, and blizz end up catering to it because y’all can’t stop yapping about it
Blood Elves should be able to be any race so I don’t have to play any other race.
I’m sure they would, but then you have to ask yourself again: why do you think most people in this game play humans and elves? What do you think the reason is? Could it possibly be this?
Is it “whining and begging”? Or are there just a lot of people who want to play races that look the best in the gear they give us with the least amount of clipping issues and such? And is Blizzard catering to the majority of players really such a bad thing?
Which is a weird argument, considering Worgen druids exist.
Again, people already play elves without the classes they don’t have it, they don’t need it, nothing good will be added to the game compared to other races getting then.
Subjective and narcissistic
Yes, because one, you are not the majority, you are half of it and that is counting all elves, the other races made up for the other half
You are not catering to the majority, you are alienating the game due to the ruckus a loud group does
You would get a lot of people who play elves to look the best in the gear we get happy that now they can finally look cool, too, while playing a druid.
I repeat:
Also you’re talking about a character in a video game lol wtf. Narcissistic?
Okay, I think you just have a really weird hatred for elves my dude. I don’t have anything against the other races in this game and them getting more class options at all, I just wanna look cool and wear shoes, that’s it. You’re making this out to be way more serious than it actually is.
Did an elf hurt you or something?
don’t you dare insult Broomhilda
I would play a BE druid. I also would like to see vulpera druids and pandaren druids. I really don’t like the horde races that can be druids.
My druid is currently nelf, the only non horde race/class I play.
Sure, for punting, I hear ya. ;p
we are more or less at the let-everything-be-everything stage.
i want foresaken druids with drust forms. death magic belongs to the undead, not the living.
Waow, people who already play a race, will play with the same race with, cheks note to look good.
Yeah, that is not priority, sorry, other races should get it first.
I repeat:
Looking cool is subjective, you cannot claim that as an objective fact
Its not weird, is very reasonable and nurtured for years with their players, who think the game need to revolves around then and their selfish and superficial desires.
Same thoughts here.
I want to be paying a sub for a game that has me thinking “Man, I can’t decide which one I want to play”; and not “Man, I really wish I could…”
Well then I’m really glad you don’t work at Blizzard, because I’m fairly certain they don’t think people are “selfish and superficial” for wanting to look cool in a video game lol. What a weird thing to say. You are taking this way too personally for some reason and it’s honestly a little weird buddy.
If Blood Elves can be Druids… then I wand Pandaren Druids too.
They would just use the Celestial Forms.
Hell, give me gnome druids that decided to hell with the Druid gods, and made Mechanical Mechs to pilot. I would actually make a gnome to maul people as a mechanical bear mech.
How, exactly? A Druid is a Druid is a Druid. They’re all pretty much homogenized anyway.
This is Blizzard. ‘Should’ and ‘would’ are not mutually exclusive. Not in these days, where Holly Longsdale said they “should have listened to the players” and then goes ahead and ignores them.
I hate botanists being used to justify blood elf and nightborne druids. Using arcane magic to twist and weaponize nature is an inherently anti-druidic practice, barely above doing the same with fire, fel, or void. Everyone wants to bring up the Botanica while also conveniently ignoring that the end boss of that dungeon was a treant who was irrevocably altered by arcane experimentation, hence we had to put him out of his misery.
If or when belves get druids, they’ll almost definitely be generic ones added alongside druids of every other race in the same way that when they gave most races warlocks, draenei didn’t get theirs from the Legion and Highmountain tauren didn’t get theirs from the Feltotem.
/gasp I would never… ok well maybe for a good cause.
Forsaken druids please.
I hate shoes.
Seriously, do you notice that as a Blood Elf, 90% of the shoes in this game just look bad on you? I love transmog too, went beastman and never going back. Hide boots always, all the time. No transmog sets ruined by disgusting rhino boots for me.