Blood elf druids

Let blood elves be druids, they already exist in the game in Botanica! (also I don’t care that they are technically high elves it’s clear we’re never getting those :dracthyr_cry_animated: )

There are currently no Horde druid races that can wear shoes, the Horde desperately needs at least one option for druids for people who like transmog pretty please :pray:

Plus how cool would blood elf druid forms be? I would be so pumped for a phoenix flight form


Bears needs some meat on their bones

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I feel like shoes are anti-druid. They are to protect your feet from nature.

When I think druid, I think barefoot person that thrives outside with nature.

Basically, hippies.

Blood Elves don’t even have animals in their city, it’s arcane golems and enchanted brooms and stuff.


This is not true, there’s phoenixes and lynxes


all i know is, i would pay for a race change instantly if be could be druids.


Welp, I guess I’m just forever Alliance then only on druid. I can’t stand having a whole piece of armor type not exist for me, I care about transmog too much.

Something something second Botanica boss means BEs should have druids. Or that’s been the argument for over 15 years.

EDIT: Since I sound like I am mocking, I am for every race having every class now. The time has come, I just always found the argument that was being used since TBC funny.


I know it’s a dumb argument, but I just wanna be pretty and wear shoes.

Those are Sunseekers, which is Kael’s military and mages. And just like Nightborne, they twisted Arcane and Nature into abominations to further their own lust for power.


Only when other races get to be druids and demon hunter first

Those are not druids, they are mages using arcane to fool around with plants


No, there is already enough belves in Warcraft.


But they’re wearing druid tier and it looks really cool, I also wanna look like a really cool blood elf druid, not a troll or tauren druid.

Why not both?

Sounds cool, I just wanna be a druid that is a pretty race that can wear shoes

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You can never have enough elves.


Dracthyr and Mechagnome players in shambles

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I think we need more Gnomes.

Yeah there’s a reason I’ll never even try playing evoker personally lol. The shoes aren’t even the least of their problems when it comes to transmog honestly.

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My Warrior is wearing DK tier. That doesn’t make him a DK.


There has always been a sad lack for races that are allowed to be player druids. I’ve been waiting since the beginning to get a race that I can stand, which has always felt silly given it’s a class where I am in another form most of the time.

It has been since the beginning though.


Honestly I agree but the reason I don’t play them is I can’t stand having all the gear be squished down.

Straight up I think most people end up playing the “pretty” races for the same reason I do: the gear just looks the best on those races. There’s a lot less like, clipping issues and stuff, too. And getting gear and looking cool has been a pretty important motivation for playing this game for a long time.

I think it’s a totally understandable request to want more races that can look cool in cool looking gear when that has been widely been recognized as the reason a lot of people started raiding after seeing that first cool guy AFKing in Orgrimmar in sick looking tier gear.

Void Elf Paladins before this.

Make it canon after Turalyon and Vareesa figure out how to make it work.

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