Blood elf druids

Personally, I just want a humanoid shammy that’s not Kul Tiran. Belves would be ideal, but I’ll take humans too if need be.

There’s precedent in lore for it (granted, gotta dig for it); why can’t we make it happen?



it’s about time horde got some druid variety instead of just cows and trolls.


Because life isn’t fair, and its already too unfair for other races, elves don’t need more unique stuff

when they don’t get an excluive ckass anymore, then they can get another rare class

Play night elf or another game.

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I already do, but they are literally my only Alliance character

then nothing needs to be changed, and blood elves don’t need druids


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belves druid pls it’ll make druid less boring to play


Nah, give us more options for druids on Horde and more race options for classes in general.


I’m all for any and all races getting a boost. There is nothing stopping me from playing more than one race. I just want to enjoy the game.


I think my mech gnome priest looks sick with his back pack and sun glasses. But you are correct most people love the aesthetically pleasing races.

That’s due to how specific druidism is in this universe.

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And im all up for world peace and end of world hunger.

Its fine to think utopic, but there is a line in getting new stuff, and the elves are the last in line, since they already have too many.

That might be so, but let’s be for real here: it’s really because making druid for other races requires the work of making whole new druid forms for them, too. It’s probably the same reason we barely get other shaman races, too, gotta make new totems for those as well.

Or hear me out: since a lot of people play elves, a lot of people who play this game would be really happy about getting some new classes for a race that a lot of people already play. Is pleasing the majority of players not what the devs should be doing?

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that’s why paladins are taking a long time
blizz just need to give us the basic forms or recolor mount or something for the time being.

seems like shaman is the easiest one to do since ig it don’t take much to make a totem lol

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Considering I’m the one who keeps telling people this who demand Dracthyr Druids… yes, I know that’s part of it.

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Dracthyr druids would also be really cool, I personally wouldn’t play them but making the forms revolve around the different flights would be really neat to see what they come up with.


I’m going to use my werebear mostly anyway.

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Hear me out: a lot of other people don’t play elves

They don’t need to keep catering to you, other races and other players don’t play and pay this game as well? why only elves get new stuff?

If you already play elf anyway, and there is already too many, there is no need to boost their numbers with unique classes, intead they should give races who don’t get many players more incentive

Stop being selfish, let then work on other races before adding more stuff for elves

The one that makes me grumpy is Pandaren. There’s four wild gods central to their society.


There is genuinely nothing they could do to convince me to play anything but humans and elves just because, like I said, the gear looks the best on them. No incentive would work for me personally, even if they had ridiculously OP racials or something. I still care about transmog too much.

You say this like I have any say over what they do, lol selfish? Okay dude

Not just Panderan, but the argument that any Beast race “can’t” be more in tune with nature has always made me laugh. They are literally Beast races… coughtiran