Blood Elf Druids

No, you’re roleplaying. You’re getting offended on behalf of Blood elves as if you are one.

And if you knew anything about the lore, you’d know that Garithos was just one guy. The “humans” as a group did not sentence the Quel’dorei population to death, and many Quel’dorei continued to live in Alliance cities after Silvermoon withdrew from the Alliance after WC2.

I guarantee you I know more about the lore, and have played Warcraft longer than you. Don’t pull that card with me.

I’m not talking lore. I’m talking appearance-wise. Blood elves are the same generic western european fantasy as humans are, for all intents and purposes. The nuances you see do not actually exist. If Blood elves had gone with Alliance over Horde, they’d be the same “human-like” offshoots that people compared Humans to Dwarves and Gnomes to.


For reals, I noticed how annoying that is due to Darkmoon Faire other day, lol.


I’m not offended. And not RPing. I’m having a discussion.

If you knew the lore, you’d know it wasn’t just Garithos.

I’m willing to bet not since you didn’t know that we weren’t with the Alliance that long.

Well then you should be happy because that means you already have High Elves. Since we all appearance wise are the same.


It literally was just Garithos and those under his command. A handful of humans are racist against Quel’dorei and you don’t even know that a population of Quel’dorei remained allied to the Alliance.

Why am I allowing myself to be dragged into this dumb conversation? You mentioned Garithos, not me. It has nothing to do with what I’m saying. It’s more Blood elf player histrionics about muh human racism against elves.

I didn’t say anything about that. You did. What I said had nothing to do with how long the Blood elves were with the Alliance and was entirely about High elves being thematically similar to the Alliance races.

I don’t care dude, I never brought any of this up in the first place. I’m not making this into a High elf discussion, you are.

I started this convo by saying that Horde will turn 100% into Blood elves once Blood elves get every class.


Druids for all, I say.

I don’t care about the lore, I don’t care if their forms make sense or not. I don’t care if anyone cares about the lore. I care about playing what I want to play in a game that requires a monthly subscription.


Why not, I have zero interest in playing an elf race, but if it lets others play what race & class they want to, I am good with that (especially if they had some bits to explain it happening, which they have made effort to for new combinations so far)


Those men under his command were the Alliance at the time. There were also humans discriminate against the Undead that weren’t just Garithos.


You called them essentially Alliance. They aren’t because they weren’t with the Alliance long and didn’t have contact with the Alliance until the troll wars. And had a monarchy before that. Go figure!


To steer us away…

Eh, I don’t know about that. It would have already gone that way years ago. They’re the popular race in the same way humans are, but no one throws fits about there being too many humans.


Undead Druid forms!


Do you mean the form for Moonkin turned solar or do you mean the glyph that makes Starfall more solar looking?

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Looks good to me.

Absolutely no idea what that aquatic form is tho :sweat_smile: But it doesn’t bother me regardless.

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Vulpera druid forms:



(Don’t have anything for bear, balance or underwater, but they will come up with something)


Moonkin that was all sunny looking. Never touched balance, and assumed it was a new glyph. Kind of crushed about it now.

It’s some sort of ugly walrus-like thing in WoW. I just figured it would work as an Undead aquatic form since it uses the same animations as the typical Druid aquatic form and isn’t exactly pretty.

I’d honestly love to see vulpera druids personally, bet they’d be adorable as sin. If the BE wants druids they’re free to do so but I’m looking forward to seeing what kinda things a vulpera druid can do and become

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That would be great but look at the current team and director

Team would be able to pull it off yes but then comes douchebag director that screws things up on purpose.

A good example would be dracs ability to not fly due to “blizzard/ion” retarded reasons… so no I doubt it will happen.

This will create fun, ion doesnt understand the word…

Botanists are indeed a terrible way to justify blood elf and nightborne druids and I hate that they’re the characters people gravitate toward when the subject of new druid races comes up. The whole point of being a druid is to use your magic to protect and preserve nature, not use outside magics to pervert and weaponize it, so I’m sure any future druids would follow the same tenets as the ones we have now.

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I’ll take Vulpera druids of the FoxTrot.

Soon™ but not soon enough.

No thanks right back at you. Gidout.

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something’s just wrong with that