Blood Elf Druids

The day that Blood elf gets all classes, Horde will go from being 68% blood elf to 100% blood elf



I got your point and people are entitled to ask for whatever they want on whatever race they want, as I said if you want to ask for something make a thread about it or contribute to one that already supports the same thing, this isn’t a hard concept.

People like Blood Elves and want more things for them, deal with it.


Personal choice for the people playing and race populations do not matter. Just play what you enjoy.


I do, I just think it will be funny for Horde to be all blood elves. The most rabid “for the Horde I hate Alliance” types being essentially Alliance.

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None of us are essentially Alliance. We’ve been with the Horde a lot longer than the Alliance.


I will say, in regards to the undead paladin debate above, that there were sects of Catholic monks that would put themselves through excruciating rituals for multiple reasons, but the applicable one is to show their stalwart faith. Walking around with nails in their shoes and sleeping on rods. Fun stuff.

Also, wasn’t there a glyph to turn the blue glyph of stars gold? Did my brain make that up? If it did that would be really perfect for blood elf druids.

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Viva la more Druids!


Your race doesn’t need an innate link to the dream to be a druid. Being a druid means you forge that connection yourself.

It was a talent that had you shift between something lunar and solar, and the byproduct was that your solar state turned your glyph of stars gold.


It’s just funny. That the faction that criticized Alliance for the longest time being “boring humans” and boring human offshoots are essentially that same “boring human” offshoot.

But yeah, Blood elves nothing similar to the Alliance. Ruled by a Regent of a Monarchy with aesthetics of Western European fantasy. The coat of red paint makes them totally different.


They need to bring that back!! I was always guardian/resto and didn’t get to play with it :frowning:

We don’t have humans.

Monarchies exist in fantasy without humans involved. The Alliance did not invent them. We had them without ever being exposed to humans, thousands of years before our first interactions.


Blood elves look like humans. Cut the RP.

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The Forsaken are more human than blood elves, but people want to forget how controversial their inclusion into the Horde was. Now it’s “blood elves never fit!!” in the ever moving goalpost.

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Belves were never treated anywhere close to human and were sentenced to death by humans for being creepy and weird looking. So… yeah.


I mean seriously just saying elves and humans speaks volumes, add to it the whole reason Alliance side wanted bargain bin Blood Elves is because elves and humans are different and they thought it was so unfair we had the elves.


Why are blood elf players like this? Roleplaying about muh garithos 20 years after the fact.

I’m not roleplaying with you. Blood elves are human-like.

No, people on Alliance who wanted High elves wanted them precisely because they’re so human like. They’re humans but smooth, soft, and pretty.


That’s a good point. They want High Elves. Well why not just be happy with humans?

I’m talking lore to you, not RPing. You are getting mad because you know nothing about it.


Void Elves are High Elves twice removed because they became Blood Elves then void corrupted Blood Elves renamed Void Elves and elves and humans are different whether you like it or not, they’d be under the human umbrella if they were the same and last time I checked the only other race in WoW that’s considered human besides humans is kul tirans and they are also Alliance so you don’t really have a case here.

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I don’t want to get into a flame war of Horde vs Alliance but they are never happy with anything, they got built from the ground up Allied Race Kul Tirans they complained, they got bargain bin Blood Elves (Void Elves) then similar customizations and they still complain, they got a bee mount just for them and they complained, they get bonuses for playing Alliance and complain, they still want stuff like Nightborne customizations for Night Elves which makes zero sense, they want our Vulpera, I could legit go on and on, lol.


They also have the Alliance bias of not having their spawn into bfa moved from their teleport room.