Blood Elf Druids

Eh not really. The Fel will lend its power to anyone who asks for it. Doesn’t really work that way for any other source.

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I think they more meant that lore is kind of out the window with Lightforged Draenei Warlocks.

So even if people were to be like “THE LORE SAYS!!..” it kind of doesn’t matter anymore. The devs can do as they please it seems.

I really only expected all the core races to get access to all the classes but I guess all races are going to get them.

So blood elf druids. :heart::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::blossom:


C’mon now, that’s a weak argument against Belf Druids. They got Paladin by basically enslaving a windchime and draining it until Things Went Bad™ and somehow that class stuck. No reason they couldn’t just drain local natural energy somehow and snatch the class that way. Sure, they’d get tut-tutted by the more ‘proper’ Druid circles but when’s that ever stopped a Belf?

You don’t have to necessarily be virtuous or even anywhere close to agreeing with your peers to be a member of the class.

More importantly: Is male human druid or male blood elf druid the way to go?

Male Blood Elf Druid, especially if they finally get full facial hair options.

Glorious blood elven tree hermit


they’ll find a way to justify all races being Druids. might take them a few years, but it’ll happen. i mean we’ve got race/class combos that defy all logic and reason within the lore. at this point, Undead Druids isn’t out of the question…though i wonder if that’ll be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back for me. :confused:

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Undead druids will be pretty stupid, just as stupid as velf paladins. Neither should be able to exist.

But I just stopped caring because I get what I want, which is tauren and HMT every thing.

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Exactly. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I should’ve mentioned Night Elf Warlocks and Mages as well.

Depends on the look you want and your tastes. Personally I think the human male’s neanderthal-like physique actually works in its favor here since they can really pull off a primitive Druid vibe well:


It’s almost as if elves are the most popular race in all of WoW. Whether that be Night Elf, Blood Elf (by far the most populous), Void Elf, or Nightborne.

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Just have the Undead use the Drust like the Kul Tirans.


Worst thing that could happen to the game for homogenization. Belief systems don’t matter! Everything is just cosmetic! All because people want prettier druid races :roll_eyes:

The fact that High Botanist Freywinn still gets trotted out in these types of threads shows people only see the superficial and don’t care that he was the diametric opposite of what druids believe. “Ooooh pretty elf!” :roll_eyes:

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It’ll probably happen eventually. Druids just take more work to open up to new races due to designing like five new forms for each race.

Personally, I don’t think there’s anything that can top Zandalari Dinomancers… maybe Mechagnome transformers… but to each their own.