Blood elf druid

I want to be a gnome. A cute little gnome druid and turn into a little kitty or cub or tweetie bird, so everyone scratches my head and tells me how tiny and adorable I am and . . . and . . .

Oh wait did I say that out loud? :blush:

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I can just see the Blood Elf reindeer, golden ribbons in its mane, maybe a little jacket, decanter of wine hovering nearby.

Hunter1: Hey, come look at this deer mate!
Hunter2: Whaaaa lookat it, itā€™s bloody gorgeous!
Hunter1: Too right! Is that a little jacket its wearing?
Hunter2: Blimey it is! Thatā€™s so adorable I canā€™t stand it!
Hunter1: No way can I shoot that thing, just no way.
Hunter2: I wanna hug it.
Deer: One side peasants.
Hunter1: ā€¦
Hunter2: ā€¦
Hunter1: Iā€™m gonna shoot it.
PS. quoted post has some art. Support your local artists and give a likey if you likey.

I could buy a Belf druid. Tbh a couple other races could become them like Pandaren too.

No, we donā€™t need Belves having druid too.



Iā€™m always for more customization.

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Blood Elves do not feel the need to shape shift.


Blood elf druids is not gonna happen, trust me on this, claim for this is pointless, but if people want to keep claiming for that itā€™s ok, be my guest, thatā€™s part of free speech.
In the other hand, if iā€™m wrong right now and in the future belfs druids would be implemented, then they should be a group of magistres who twist druid magic in an unatural way using arcane magic, and also they should have captured a wild god in order to force him to grant to the belfs the shapeshifting capacityā€¦ Damn, sudenly i had a deja vu.

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blood elf druid could be use druid magic to heal they home lands. that canā€™t be heal by arcane magic

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Thereā€™s a Sinā€™dorei druid within the Botanica instance. The runestones that are on the border of Eversong woods, and the Gostlands were built by High Elven druids, and the majority of High elves renamed themselves to Blood elves to honor their former brethren.


I can agree with this concept. Perhaps the end of Battle for Azeroth will have a captured Malfurian siphoned off to procure the new Sinā€™dorei druid .

I mean I could make a lot of arguments for things that ā€œshouldā€ be playable in the game based on the presence of NPCs as a technicality.

Ignoring the obvious one that exists on alliance sideā€¦ Pandaren DKs for one.

Also,youā€™d be able to state I tawt I taw a pooty tat ?!

Except Nightborne and Blood Elves stick to Arcane and find other types of magic inferior. Itā€™s not part of their culture, they have no desire to make it a part of their culture and they have zero connection to the Emerald Dream.

Letā€™s not shoehorn in more bad lore. Thereā€™s enough of it already.


No, the last race who could be druid in the horde are blood elves and goblins.

Elves do not need anymore classes, they already have a exclusive one, they donā€™t need one who is also limited.

Blood elves do not combine with the druid class and fantasy, they left their night elves cousins because they didnā€™t want to follow the druid ways and chose the arcane

They are a society totally arcane-light oriented, not druidic.

They do not have connection with a wild god, they do not have a connection with the emerald dream neither with nature forces.

They canā€™t be and shouldnā€™t be druids by gameplay and lore reasons thank you.

I could see then becoming shamans like the elementalists from the twilight hammer, learn something or 2 with the horde races, a new kind of way to wield magic, and also make then closer to the horde culture/theme, but druid? no that would be catastrophic already.

He is not a druid like the others, like the playable ones, he use ARCANE magic, to emulate nature magic, he was not aprt of the blood elves and died already.

Those things were retconned into non-existence, they are not a thing.


Not a druid. Conducted experiments to mutate plants and himself.

No they arenā€™t. Quoted from the lore: " The Magi (Magister) erected numerous runestones throughout Eversong."

I have no idea where you got this false information from. There are no High Elf druids and thatā€™s not what the Ghostlands are at all.

Once a part of Eversong Forest, the Elrendar River was all that separated these forests from the northern woodland. Its largest settlement was Tranquillien, and housed the abode of the renowned Windrunner family. Anā€™owyn, Anā€™telas, and Anā€™daroth, three locations in the forest from which key ley lines forked, were each imbued with a mooncrystal that connected all the way to Quelā€™Danas. With the crystals in place, they passively empowered Banā€™dinoriel, the great magic shield protecting Silvermoon.


Except they could use the arcane to control nature, and have their particular form of druidism, albeit a warped type of druidism.

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I got that information from reading the quests in that area of the game.

With my main horde being a Belf hunter, I am 100% opposed to Belf getting any new classes - ever. Logging onto the horde is already like logging into just a collection of blood elves and their few not-elf friends. And to top it off, arenā€™t there supposed to be less of them than the other non-allied races anyway? Like significantly less?


I need a belf shaman and druid and I will be completeā€¦ BRING IT ON!

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But isnā€™t this the one thing keeping Horde from being 90% belfs, rather than the 75% it is today?